Part 7

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(MY ART.... Again... heh) Have a good angsty ride <3

Keigo cleared his throat, fleetingly catching the attention of the black-haired man who was cooking up a batch of oatmeal. He had his back turned, but the way his circular motions momentarily stopped told Hawks that his presence was acknowledged. He stood in the doorway, wings pressed to his back and arm resting against the hardwood frame. He didn't exactly know where to start; what to say or how to even say it.

Even so, he knew something had to be said.

Dabi craned his neck, eyes glinting like turquoise gemstones beneath the strings of pitch-black hair. Keigo felt his Adam's apple bob in his throat as he swallowed thickly. His mouth felt dry, his skin was prickling uncomfortably. It was like he was sick all over again, like his fever had decided to return.

"I guess.. I guess it's time I leave, isn't it?" His voice tapered off as he stepped inside with his hands stuck into the pockets of the track pants the villain had brought for him.

Dabi turned his back to him, the fire in his hands dying down beneath the pot as his eyes seemed to stare right through him. As if he was translucent, a mere ghost haunting the hallways.

"I guess it is. Bye then" Keigo could see the way Dabi grit his teeth and clenched his jaw before turning back around. His voiced almost sounded strained, there was a strange kind of passive aggressiveness behind it. And he left it like that, mindlessly continuing to stir his oats. Again, Touya Todoroki decided to turn his back to Keigo Takami, leaving him to ponder in his own dark thoughts.

Keigo felt his blood boil. He didn't know why, but he had expected more than that for a last goodbye.

He took a step forward, clenching his fists against his sides and straightening his spine. "'Bye then'? Is that all I get?" he could feel his voice slipping into something resembling the snarl of a wild animal, his pupils dilating a sudden rush of aggravation and adrenaline.

Another step forward and his limbs were suddenly trembling with a dying need to receive something from the man before him, anything to relieve his sense of god forbidden mortality. His eyes stung, so did his lungs. He just wanted the other to properly say something, anything. The silence was killing him.

Dabis shoulders were tense, he wasn't stirring the oats anymore. Yet, he wasn't turning to face him either. Keigo suddenly felt like a quivering leaf resisting the strongest wind during autumn; he was incensed, feeling distressingly desperate.

"Say something" he pleaded, voice cracking at the second syllable. The silence was intolerable, it pierced through his bones and placed across his lungs like a band constricting his very humanity. God, how much silence treatment did he have to suffer through with this man?

Touya had been silent for years, Touya had been fucking DEAD. He had left him to drown in his own desolation, and it didn't seem like he had ever contemplated turning back for him. He never sent an anonymous letter, never left traces for Keigo pick up on.

No, Touya did care for him, Dabi did not.

It was like the villain was battling his inner voice at all times of the day, the silent moments symbolising the dire need he had to rationalize with the other identity that lived inside his mind and body. He was split in half, his moral compass so damaged he no longer could differentiate right from wrong, left from right.

"Say something!" Keigo raised his voice enough to spark a response in the other; a slight turn of his head, a slipping sigh that was impossible to dissect. Keigo snorted a humourless laugh, his chest brewing up a storm as his throat growled with upcoming remarks.

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