I'm but a kid

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I'm just a kid
I want simple things
Joy, toys and love,
Anything thereof

I'm just a kid
I cry a lot
Sorry to be a bother
I'm nothing like my father

I'm just a kid
I need attention
Give me all your love
Anything thereof

I'm just a kid
Want more all the time
Never happy with what I have
Missed my bedtime

I'm just a kid
Sweating all the small stuff
Overreact at everything
Don't want to do anything

I'm just a kid
Don't know how the world works
I'm often confused
My world view is askew

I'm just a kid
Mother, that look of her's
Always asking questions
But do I want the answers

I'm just a kid
I never grow up
My mind is not dumb
I'm not a grownup

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