Chapter 4

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Summary: You were safe, but still terrified and your psyche did a good job reminding you of it. So what happens when your alarm for class goes off too early in the morning? Do you leave? Do you stay? Will he let you go?

As the night progressed, I could feel myself fighting against my eyelids and my words slurring more and more as I tried to focus on reading.

It came to a point that Raph actually took the book out of my hands and set it on the end table.

"You need to sleep." He chided.

"I'm not tired." I tried to argue back. He snorted.

"Yeah, okay. Come on. You're dead on your feet." He gave me a look and I couldn't exactly argue.

I just didn't want to sleep. I knew that now that I wasn't exhausted and my mind had the function to think, that nightmares wouldn't be far behind. There was too much for my brain to process and I wanted to keep it as far away as I could, and sleep was like giving in. What once had been my escape was now my monster.

I did give in though. A shower and clean clothes later I did feel more comfortable and my body seemed to be protesting against the thought of being awake any longer. So, I succumbed. Raph gave me a soft smile and left his (my?) room, mumbling something about working out?

With headphones in I closed my eyes and laid on my back, knowing that sleep wasn't far behind. And it wasn't. Neither were the dreams.

It was snowing. I was out on the streets again, hopelessly lost and cold and irritated with the world in general. I wasn't as afraid though, I knew that someone was out there who had my back, even if I was lost.

I turned a corner, thinking that I was heading in the right direction for once when I came upon someone who I really didn't want to see.

"Traitor." I hissed at him.

"Hello Y/n, how are you this evening?" Johnathan's smile was wicked.

"How could you!?" I paused. "No, don't answer that. You've always been a bitch. Just fuck off and leave me alone."

I turned on my heel and went the opposite way, away from Jonathan.

"You will be mine!" He shouted from behind me. "As soon as that freak monster is out of the way, you'll be all mine!"

I froze in my tracks. Balling my hands into fists, I pivoted and pulled back to punch Johnathan in the face but was met with a deathly distorted glare though a metal helmet.

Gasping, I stumbled backward, onto the snow.

"Well done Johnathan. It seems that she has a fire to her. Nothing that can't be extinguished." His voice was sinister and threatening. I didn't want to know what he meant by extinguished.

"Get away from her."

I sagged in relief. I knew that voice and was thankful that his anger was pitched towards someone that wasn't me. Then again, I was afraid. I was afraid for him. I didn't want to know what this man of blades and metal and evil could do against my Raphael, and I did not want to find out.

I gasped and sat up in bed, ripping my earbuds out of my ears, sending my phone clattering to the floor. Pressing my hands to my face I fought the urge to scream. Not because I was afraid I was just frustrated. Why me!?

I got up and grabbed my abused phone and stalked out into the living room where Raph was on the couch with something on the TV playing, muted.

He noticed me as soon as I exited his room, an eyebrow raised. I shot him a look and grabbed my jacket and shoes.

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