Chapter 6 (Final Chapter)

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Summary: "Now that the danger is gone... the book can end and our characters can live happily ever after."

 "About damn time," Raph muttered.


I didn't know what to do next. I just stared blankly. I'm sure things were done around me. I'm sure explanations were found as to what just happened, but they all went over my head and fell on deaf ears. I wasn't functioning.

Well, I was functioning, but I was on autopilot. It was automatic to stand and head to the sewers below in Raph's arms. The chill that brushed my skin made me shiver, but I couldn't feel it. I couldn't feel Raphael's arms tighten around me either.

It was unnatural and I couldn't handle it. My mind shut down and I stopped, in the middle of everything and just stared. What was I supposed to do?

Was everything supposed to be alright? Was I supposed to act like that didn't just happen? Was I supposed to be strong until I could inevitably cry in the shower?

"Y/n?" Raph's golden eyes met mine as he crouched in front of me so that we were eye level. "Come on honey, you're okay."

Was I supposed to be okay?

"I mean, a lot just happened, so I'd get it if you weren't..." There was a small smirk on his face.

"I said that all out loud?" I quarried.

"Most of it, yeah," Raph chuckled. "Crying in the shower, huh?"

I felt my face go red as I hid them in my hands. He gently led them away with a soft smile on his face.

"You're okay," He reassured. I gave a small nod, I was okay, sure.

But among others, there was one question: what about my confession of love for him? It made my insides tangle up and fold in on themselves until I wanted nothing more than to curls up with them and hide. It was stupid. It was embarrassing. He wouldn't love me back and I set myself up for failure.

"A—About what I said..." I stammered, darting my eyes, noticing that we were alone. "I...It was...I thought..." I had no words. There was nothing. I had nothing.

"It's okay, I was dying, I know you didn't mean it," He sounded so crestfallen.

"Didn't mean it?" I squeaked. "You think that I didn't... Raphael." I scolded. "Of course, I love you, you idiot. I'm... I'm just terrified that you don't love me! And that I was stupid to fall in love because it doesn't make sense for you to love me, or for anyone to love me for that matter, I'm broken and screwed and I just—"

My rambling was cut short when his lips were pressed against mine in an awkward sort of way because I was still trying to talk. He pulled back and laughed a bit.

"Will you shut up for two seconds so that I can tell you that I love you too?" I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

I grinned and jumped up, wrapping my arms around his neck, smashing my lips back to his, before we found some sort of rhythm.

"Hey, does someone..." Donnie started then paused, before I assumed, turning and walking back out of the room.

He pulled away, chuckling.

"Can't catch a break can we?" He muttered, "We better go and see what they want."

I giggled and looked down, gnawing on my lower lip. I had other plans, that involved kissing him some more. And maybe a nap. A nap sounded nice. There must have been some kind of look on my face because Raph laughed again before dragging me into the common room where the rest of his family was.

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