Chapter 2

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Summary: Now that you've been thrown into a world of magic and mutants and monsters, your curiosity runs rampant, but not without consequences.

My eyes flew open and I gasped, sitting up in bed. Adrenaline coursed through me as I tried to convince myself that it was only just a dream. A part of me wondered if it was all a dream. The only evidence that I had was the wrap on my wrist and the faint pain underneath. That and the splitting headache that I had.

I stumbled to the med cabinet in my bathroom and downed pain killers before giving in and taking a long hot shower that scalded my skin to a faint red. Once I was in a pair of jeans and an old oversized sweatshirt, food was next on my list of things to do.

There was leftover pizza in the fridge and I sighed, deciding that it would have to do. Only then did I notice the time: two in the afternoon. I was then grateful that it was the weekend and I didn't just sleep through my first day of classes.

I wasted the rest of the day if I was honest with myself, I finished my book and moved onto the next one in the series and cleaned a little bit, but that was all I did during the day.

But I had a mission. Tonight, I would go back. I would find proof that what I saw wasn't a dream. That there were mutant turtles living in the sewers of New York and that they had helped me last night. Sure, pulling a Twilight and googling it would work, but I needed physical proof for something like this.

The night was young as the sun set behind the buildings, and I could feel the coolness of fall setting in. I pulled my jacket on a little tighter and kept my eyes peeled for anything or anyone. I tried to retrace my steps from the night before and after a mile of aimless walking, I found the alley that had led me to the sewers, into the home of my turtle rescuers.

The tunnels were dark as I crept further into the sewer system. I passed Donnie's lab, which was empty. What looked like the common room was vacant as well. I debated on announcing my arrival but held back from it. I wandered farther until I came to a much neater, orderly room. There were thin mats across the entire floor and an array of weapons that looked like they belonged to a Samurai, not in New York.

I neared the far wall and ran my fingers gently over the handles of two long thin swords. The grips were well worn, yet the metal shined as if it were brand new.

A shadow loomed over me, taking away from the shine of the blades. I turned, slowly, praying that it was one of the turtles that I knew.

Of course, that was wishful thinking, and I was face to face with a familiar face, one I has seen only once, in a dream. My eyes met golden ones, hidden behind a red mask.

"Raph," The word barely made its way through my lips, barely audible.

"Why did you come here?" He growled, and I backed up into the wall. There were shiny metal blades in his hands, like small tridents, laced through his fingers.

"I'm... I'm sorry," I tried. "I..." Panic was rising, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, urging me to run, to get away from this... danger.

"Get out." He sneered. "Get out!" It was a deafening roar.

I shrank back even more as his form grew, even though it was seemingly impossible. I edged across the wall until I was out of his reach and I ran. And ran. Far and as fast as I could go, my

legs carrying me out of the sewers and onto the streets of New York. I didn't doubt for a moment that he could catch me if he wanted to... but I had to stop.

I didn't know where I was. Again.
It didn't help that it was also almost pitch black, save the sad streetlights hanging their heads.

If I made it out of this alive, I was seriously going to use Google maps. Or maybe Wayzz, I heard about that too...

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