Chapter 5

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Summary: College was what you wanted... right? Right? Maybe not... You're not so sure. That hesitation leads you back to where you want to truly be. But maybe going back was a mistake...

Shredder had taken a long time to find you. He worked for years and years, waiting. He followed bloodlines and ancient histories and waited decades for you. He manipulated people to get together and have a child, just so that he could get you. He did it to your parents. And your grandparents.

All of it was for you.

Your blood.

And the power in your blood.

He wanted it.

Needed it.

Was going to kill for it.

Had killed for it.

Shredder was almost happy with how close he was to having you. His prized possession. The blood that ran in your veins would keep him alive forever. Immortal. Invincible.

Little did you know that your blood was perfectly Kraang and perfectly human. A descendant from the Kraang and Adam. You didn't know it, but you were immune to mutagen, and your blood had healing powers: as long as you were alive, and your heart was beating.

He couldn't kill you of course, but he could keep a pet. He had kept Karai after all. What's one more?

Ever since his discovery of Mutagen and the powers that it possessed, he researched. He brought in scientists. He didn't stop. Lore said that you could heal any wound. Take away any sickness. Bring back the dead. To give immortality.

And he wanted you.

And nothing was going to stop him from getting you.

The only thing standing in his way was that wretched freak Hamato and his freaks of natures that he called sons.

They would die.

He'd kill them, whether they had you or not.

It was just a perk.

You were the key to it all.

To his reign. His immortality. His defeat of his enemy and his sons. To the end of the Hamatos once and for all.

Then he would keep you. Harvest your blood for as long as you lived. You would always be at his right hand.

You were worth everything to him.

And he would pay it all to have you.


"She's turning back," Donnie sounded surprised over his com. "It looks like she's heading back to her apartment?"

Raph stopped dead in his tracks. He could see the college campus from his rooftop. There should have been no reason for you to turn back. You were almost there, to what you wanted.

"What!?" He hissed.

"I don't know man," Donnie replied. "But she turned around, at least her phone did. Mikey, you know where to go. Take Leo there."

Raph stared out into the bright sunlight, not daring to peek over the edge to try and find you, instead he headed back towards your place, trying to figure out that was going through your head. What would make you give up your dream? Why would you turn back?

A small part of him hoped that it was because of him, but he shut that part down quickly.

Instead, he could only imagine that you were in danger and were trying to get away. That always seemed to be the reason when you were out on the streets, wasn't it? Or maybe you were lost. That was a strong possibility too.

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