✨✴Chapter 5; Merry Christmas✴✨

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|Isaac's POV|

Right when my watched beeped and the song ended, I leaned in and kissed her. I wrapped my arms tightly around her, I felt like I just made the biggest mistake ever and ruined everything. I ruined everything I can just feel it.

Tears welded up inside me but I tried to choke them back, I didn't want to pull away and find the answer, that she doesn't like me and wants to be freinds. I love her, I love her so much and I can't lose her.

I wasn't paying attention on what's happening, I'm drowning in my thoughts; thinking of how I just ruined everything.

Until, I found her hand on my chest, the other on the back of my neck. She...does like me..?

I pulled away, smiling like an idiot. Mostly because I am, she blushed but smiled back. "Merry Christmas." I suddenly said and her smile grew bigger. "Merry Christmas Isaac." She hugged me and I hugged her back, doing a little silent yes behind her. She rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep, I held her for a while in my arms, then carried her back home.

Grace was the first one to run up to me, therefore we planned this a couple days ago. "So, what happened?" She jumped, everyone had all eyes on us.

"Well, what happened is I got myself the greatest girlfriend ever." I smiled confidentially then walked upstairs and went to my room, shut the door, and lied her on the bed.

I put on my pjs, which were just sweats and socks with me shirtless, then climbed in the bed next to her. I kissed her head. "Goodnight my new bae." I whispered and wrapped my arms around her. "I love you.." I said softly before I drifted off to sleep..

|Kyara's POV| •°•Morning•°•

I woke up to the song Sugar by Maroon 5, being sung by Isaac. I rubbed my eyes and looked to Isaac who was spinning around in his office chair by his desk and singing to it, headphones blasting the song in his ears. I don't even think he noticed he was singing. I remembered that today is Christmas, then remebered last night and oh my god...

Then he moved upside down in his seat and sang "All of Me" by John Legend; his eyes are closed, so he doesn't know I'm awake. He finally spun his chair around again and he opened his eyes and his widened on me, I giggled and sat on my knee's infront of him, and kissed him softly.

He–of course–kissed me back and put a hand on my cheek, we were noe kissing spiderman style, I love how this is cute and so cliché at the same time. I kissed him a little harder and started to french kiss him, buuuut then he fell off the chair.

I laughed and he got up, picked me up, then ran downstairs. Everyone was already down and waited for us probably. He sat infront of the Christmas tree, sitting me in his lap and everyone came also and we all tore open all of our presents.

I got a iPod touch from Isaac, a new laptop from Jordan, I custom made jacket with the words 'Cheetos + Nutella = BFF' from Hailey, a black leathered notebook from Grace, a Kingdom Hearts Jacket from Beth, and a Superman hoodie from Cierra along with some nail art stuff.

I got Isaac probably a monster rubix cube, but yet he knows how to solve it. Of course. This is actually a rubix cube he hasn't gotten yet. So now he's giving me a billion kisses.

"GOOMBA I AM COVERED IN KISSES ALREADY!!" I laughed, he chuckled but continued to kiss my face.

Grace was literally on the floor laughing, Bethany was taking pictures, Cierra is also laughing, Hailey is also taking pictures, and Jordan is doing the same as Grace. "GAHHH I FEEL SO SPECIAL!!!" I exclaimed and he laughed and kissed my nose.

"Gahh how come ya don't blush?!" He laughed, I giggled. "Because I don't know how." I laughed.

"What the hell? What type of girl doesn't know how to blush?" Grace laughed. "How should I kn–"

"I've loved you since I was 2 Months old!!!!" Isaac yelled and I felt my cheeks practically explode. Everyone bursted out in laughter while I just was literally blushing like the colour of Bethany's hair, BUT WORSE!!

"I'm dead. He killed me. I exploded." I finally stated and they laughed more. He kissed my cheek and I hid my face into his neck, blushing even harder.

"I think I broke it." He laughed and booped my nose. "I'm gonna go fix myself." I laughed then went upstairs to my room and locked the door, I leaned against the side of my bookshelf and tried to "fix" my blushing.

All of a sudden, the next thing I knew everything around me shook and books and everything fell. I felt a huge impacted on my head....then everything seemed to get black in an instant.

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