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“Grand Princess, please walk this way.” A blue-robed eunuch led the way ahead while bowing. Grand Princess Deyi stepped down from the carriage, and reached out so her granddaughter-in-law could support her as she slowly walked forward.

After walking a certain distance, she slowed and said in confusion, “This does not appear to be the path to Luanhe Palace.”

“Grand Princess, Her Majesty is now residing in Purple Imperial Hall.” The blue-robed eunuch turned around and bowed to Grand Princess Deyi. “So we are going this way.”

“Purple Imperial Hall?” Grand Princess Deyi frowned slightly and said with slight disapproval, “The Jin Family has ancestral rules stipulating that the empress resides in Luanhe Palace. How can the empress be so ignorant of the rules?”

Back then, she had intentions of sending her granddaughter into the palace to be the empress. But Zhou shi had not reacted to her hints at all. Helplessly, she could only have her granddaughter become engaged to a young master of the Li Family. But she still felt some displeasure. Now, she was even more displeased with the empress after seeing the empress still living in Luanhe Palace three months after the wedding.

The blue-robed eunuch leading the way buried his head deeper when he heard this. He turned and silently led the way forward, but the eager smile on his face faded greatly.

Sima Ling turned her head to glance at this grandmother. Her old face carried some tinge of lofty arrogance. The luxurious gold ornaments in her silver-shot hair seemed to be frozen with unresolvable cold.

The blue-robed eunuch led them towards Purple Imperial Hall after entering Qiankun Palace. Sima Ling noticed many dragon imperial guards standing along the way. The dragon guards were only replaced by strong eunuchs after they were close to the entrance of Purple Imperial Hall.

The robes of these eunuchs were slightly different from other eunuchs’. Their deep blue robes were embroidered with flying birds and they had curved blades at their waists. If they were not beardless and wearing the hat of eunuchs, Sima Ling would assume they were blade-carrying guards of the palace.

“Gonggong.” The blue-robed eunuch reached the doorway and bowed to He Ming who was standing by the door. “Grand Princess Deyi has arrived.” Then he made a small hand gesture towards He Ming.

He Ming nodded and then bowed to Grand Princess Deyi. He walked towards her down the stairs. “This servant greets Grand Princess Deyi. Their Majesties are waiting for you in the front hall. Please.”

Grand Princess Deyi saw this eunuch wearing red robes with embroidered flower patterns and knew this was a high-ranking eunuch to the emperor. She nodded minutely and stepped onto the stairs.

Sima Ling smiled at He Ming and followed, supporting Grand Princess Deyi’s hand.

He Ming respectfully followed behind them and passed through the entrance expressionlessly.

When they all entered, the blue-robed eunuch standing outside cursed softly. “Who does she think she is?”

The emperor and empress lived in Purple Imperial Hall. The empress dowager had no opinions. The court officials had no opinions. Even the other members of the imperial family said not a word. But this grand princess who just came back from Sanggan was talkative.

Why didn’t she look at who was the master of the world now, and who was in charge of the inner palace.

Grand Princess Deyi did not enter the front hall when she heard speech inside. She stopped and looked at He Ming. “There is someone else inside?”

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