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"Indiscriminate!" Jin Yang looked at this honest speaker with cold eyes, and said coldly, "I work hard for the people, and there are no other concubines in the harem, but I live with the queen and you are said to be addicted." Female, I think you are to provoke my relationship with the queen and cause the emperor's feelings to be inconsistent.

Jin Yang didn't argue with the spokesperson at all about Zichen Hall. He stood up and said expressionlessly: "I don't think you are doing it for my own sake, but want to let me do things in your heart."

"Weichen panicked." The speaker did not expect that the emperor would have such a big reaction. When his knees were soft, he knelt down. Knowing that the emperor had this reaction, he would never stand up and talk about this matter today.

A few days ago, he heard people say that the emperor treated the empress only with the affection on the face, which seemed like affectionateness. In fact, he just wanted to use these actions to paralyze the queen mother and Gu's family, so that they could settle down. He stood up at this time also to take advantage of this loophole, which knows that the real situation of the matter is completely opposite to what he expected.

If you want to take this opportunity to please the emperor and stay in the history of youth, how can you know that you have taken a bad move, not to mention the history of staying in history, I am afraid that even the official position can not be kept, it is even more difficult to think of the restoration.

"I need good officials who serve the country and not the people who stare at my harem all day long," Jin Yang glanced at the spokesperson. "Removing my post will never return."

Hearing this, the spokesperson gritted his teeth and slammed in a sigh of relief: "Your Majesty, Weichen's move is only for the people of the world. Please ask His Majesty Mingjian, do you forget the chaos of Dongning ?!"

During the David dynasty, Emperor Dongning was very fond of the queen, allowing the power of the queen's mother to be swayed. After the collapse of Emperor Dongning, the queen suddenly attacked, not only sent troops to imprison all the princes, but also wore a crown and boarded the throne, let the Manchu civil and military officials call her long live three times.

The queen became emperor as emperor, known as Emperor Xuan'an for more than 20 years in power, and he worked hard to make David rise to the world and come from all directions. From the perspective of the people, there is really nothing wrong with it.

However, the literati in the later generations have different opinions about her. The most important point is that she is a woman, an emperor who has taken the throne and dared to accept the face. Many people think that she is unfaithful to Emperor Dongning and is a woman. shame. However, some literati believe that she is a female hero, and she can also be called the wise master among the emperors of all dynasties.

But no matter what the future generations think of her, Emperor Xuan'an made many later emperors have a guard against the empress. This is to avoid them embarking on the old road of Emperor Dongning and wearing countless green hats with a long history.

Emperor Xuan'an once said: "For those who are emperors, there are three houses and six houses. Although I am a woman, but also an emperor, how can I be different from my predecessors?"

It is precisely because of this sentence that Emperor Xuan An was scolded by many literati for generations. We all honestly knelt under the throne of Emperor Xuan'an, and respectfully said Long live.

Now the civil servant's sentence is almost bluntly saying that today's queen may become Emperor Xuan'an second.

Upon exit of this sensational speech, the Manchu dynasty changed its complexion, and Jin Yang's face sank completely.

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