Anthology | Many Happy Returns 03: Request from Dear Brother

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WE STOPPED in front of the execom office, the one next to the student council. Maggie knocked three times before turning the knob.

The student executive committee's office was larger than the QED clubroom, approximately three times the size. A circular table was at the center, surrounded by monobloc chairs. At the other end of the table sat a young man whose posture resembled that of a king. He sat upright and his chin was up. His chair was the only one with armrests, thus resembling a throne.

Should we kneel before him and bow our heads? Just kidding. We wouldn't. I wouldn't.

Lo and behold my elder brother, Luthor Mendez. He's the chairman of the execom a.k.a. the right-hand man of the student council and Maggie's boss. Don't be fooled by his composed appearance. Those dull eyes, that face devoid of any emotions, and that stiff upper lip—they projected the image that he's a student who could bore you to death to hide his cunning. He may look like a harmless teenager, but he's not. He has the makings of a mastermind. For all we know, he might be planning to take over the entire school.

"But the vice presidency is mostly a symbolic job, Luthor." I heard someone say. We realized a little too late that there was another person in the room. A young woman with permed hair reaching past her shoulders. "You can do more as the president. You have the experience."

"I'm perfectly fine with any position that doesn't put me in the spotlight," my brother said in his chilly voice. Imagine a snowman speaking to you. That's how his voice sounded like. "Being president needs more visibility than the rest of the officers. If I were to be blunt, it doesn't mat—"

He took a pause and regarded us coldly. His female visitor also turned to us.

"Sorry for the interruption." Maggie raised her hand and took a step forward. "The QED Club is here. Mukhang may seryoso kayong pinag-uusapan. Do you want us to wait outside?"

"I don't think that's necessary. I'm about to leave na rin kasi." The young woman with permed hair smiled at us as she rose to her feet and walked toward the door. She shot one last glance at my brother. "Think about it, Luthor. Let's talk again soon."

I see what's going on here. Discussing election plans, huh?

We stepped aside as she excused herself and walked out of the room. We waited for the door to close before we turned our attention to the honorable chairman.

"Si Emeraude Emerson 'yon, 'di ba?" Maggie recalled, jerking her thumb toward the door. "One of the potential candidates in the student council election."

"She's asking me to run for president," Luthor said. He hesitated for a moment on whether or not he'd answer that question in our presence. Even if he chose not to share anything with us, I'd put two and two together, and figure out that he's being urged to run. The conversation we overheard was very telling. "She wants me to be her running-mate."

Chronicles of the QED ClubTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon