Chapter 34: The Present

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"Hello Miss Tomike, It's great to see you today. How are you?"

"I'm fine thank you"

Dr Angela nodded. "Please, have a seat"

Tomike sat on the bright yellow couch. She couldn't place what it was, but Dr Angela's office was so soothing. She didn't know if it was the bright colours that lit up the room, the different sized plant pots that were almost everywhere, or the refreshing smell of citruses that engulfed the place. She now understood why Dr Angela was one of the best in what she did and also very expensive.

Tomike had her reservations about seeing her, but as she was seated in the very comfortable couch, basking in the calming environment the office provided, her body became relaxed.

Another calming thing was Dr Angela's smile. She was a very beautiful woman, probably in her mid thirties and was also unmarried- Tomike didn't spot a ring. She seemed Asian, Indian perhaps, but Tomike doubted. She also looked Caucasian. Or maybe she was mixed? She didn't have an Indian name like Priya or Maya. 'Angela Miller' Sounded very American to Tomike. Whatever the case however, she was pleasant to look at, even for an equally good looking woman like Tomike.

"Todd has told me so much about you. You two seem to be close" Angela busted into her thoughts.

"Yes. We've been friends for a while"

"Awesome. He also filled me in on why you are here"

Tomike tensed up. She didn't like the idea of a stranger budding into her business in the name of "helping her move past the trauma" in Todd's words. Angela seemed to notice.

"Look Tomike... can I call you Tomike without the Miss?"

"Yeah, sure" Miss Tomike sounded weird to her anyway.

"I know what you are going through and why you have your reservations about seeing a therapist. You probably don't believe in it and you see it as something for only crazy person. I used to think that way too. But we all have pain we are dealing with, and once in a while we need to speak to a professional to help us get through that pain"

Tomike still wasn't convinced, and Angela saw it.

"Just think of me as a soul doctor. There are doctors for the body, and there are doctors for the soul. I am, a soul doctor" she said this time with a bright smile on her face.

Tomike scoffed, and Angela laughed.

"Anyways Tomike, this session has been paid for, so let's make good use of it. After the time paid for by your friend runs out, I'll let you decide if you want to continue or not. No pressure" that smile again.

Tomike nodded. She had her hands folded on her chest, legs crossed and slouched on the couch "Okay"

"Alright, let's get started. Would you like to drink anything?"


Angela chuckled.

"I'm just kidding, a cup of black coffee will do"

"Alright then"

She pressed a button on her telephone and spoke into the speakers.

"Two cups of coffee please, one with cream and sugar, the other black"

A sweet feminine voice answered back "Yes ma'am"

"I heard you grew up in Nigeria. So tell me, what was that like?"


I missed my Friday Update, sorry!
But here I am now.
Another chapter coming this week, watch out for it.
I like Angela already, what do you think about her? Let me know in the comments.
Xoxo. 💕💕

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