Chapter 2 - Wilbur Meets a Friend

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"You know Tubbo, I think everybody actually prefers me dead, actually..." Wilbur mused, almost skipping beside Tubbo as he spoke.

"Really? I-I mean I wouldn't say that..." Tubbo furrowed his brows, looking up at Wilbur (who he'd affectionately nicknamed 'Ghostbur'), careful with his choice of words.

"Yeah! I-I mean, alive me didn't seem like the nicest person in the world, f-from what I've read and stuff, a-and everybody likes L'manburg way better now that you're president! You're a much better president than alive me was, honestly." Ghostbur grinned down at Toby, tugging absentmindedly on his sweater sleeves as his gaze wandered off a little to what was around him.

"Ooh, look at this! I dont remember this!" The older boy exclaimed excitedly, his dull grey eyes lighting up a little as he stared at the structure in fascination. "Do you really not remember this?" Tubbo stepped forward to where he was standing next to Wilbur, frowning when the older of the two shook his head.

"This is Niki's bakery, remember? Her and Fundy used to run it!" Tubbo looked between Wil and the bakery, Wilbur's dazed look giving him the answer he was expecting. "I remember Niki and Fundy but I don't really remember this, no..." Ghostbur frowned. "Are Niki and Fundy mad at me?... Wilbur did blow their home up and everything..."

Tubbo thought for a minute, taking a deep breath before amswering Wilbur. "I uh... yeah I dunno! Do you wanna ask or...? I think Niki's on her shift right now so..."
Ghostbur thought for a moment, before nodding his head. He remembered a lot about Niki, and she seemed really nice, from what he can remember.

Toby nodded with a grin, opening the door to let Wilbur walk inside, the ghost's feet dragging against the floor as he anxiously walked into the bakery. "Hey! Niki?" Tubbo called out when he couldn't see her at the counter.

"Just a minute! I forgot to put some stuff in the oven so I'll be just a second!" Niki's soft German accent echoed through the shop, just how Wilbur remembered. Her accent was gorgeous, perfectly soft like Ghostbur remember her being.

A few seconds passed of awkward silece between Wilbur and Tubbo, Tubbo fiddling anxiously with his tie and Wilbur gazing around the bakery in fascination, before the soft sound of boots thumping against the hardwood floor could be heard coming from out back. "Now! What can I get for you Mr. Pres-"

Niki paused, her sea blue eyes colliding with Wilbur's dark grey ones. "Wil..." She cautiously walked over from behind the counter, unsure if it was really him of if this was some silly joke Fundy was playing. She watched Phil murder Wilbur right infront of her... how could he be here now?

"H-hey... uhm..." Wilbur seemed equally as cautious. He didn't really *know* Niki, he just remembered a lot about her... he was worried that maybe he'd been looking at her through rose tinted glasses...

"What happened to you?" Niki gently placed her hand on Wilbur's arm, carefully inspecting his face. He looked so different... the last time they'd spoken he looked exhausted and drained, every inch of his face scarred or bruised. But now he looked just the same way he did when they were kids. He looked... healthy. His skin was a cold colour, almost a greyish blue and his eyes were clear of heavy bags like they were before.

Wilbur, in turn observed her face. Her porcelain skin was covered in scars. Her blue eyes, sunken in from pure exhaustion, were covered by strands of brown and blonde hair that fell down from the messy bun on her head. Her face and hands were covered in flour, and she smelt vaugely of smoke, from the TNT, and of cinnamon and ginger. She looked a mess, but so did everybody after alived Wilbur... blew everything up...

She tugged him into a hug, her pale fingers clutching at his yellow jumper in fear he'd just dissapear. Wilbur gladly hugged her back, a small smile tugging at his lips as he got a sort of familiar fuzzy feeling in his chest. Niki was just as nice to hug as he recalled...

"Wil, you idiot!" Niki pulled away from the hug abruptly, her relieved look from earlier replaced with one that made the hairs on Ghostbur's neck stand up. It wasn't scary or intimidating... Niki was hurt. Badly hurt by whatever alive him had done, and he just couldn't remember it... maybe it was the bombs? That was likely what it was...

"How could you!? We were your friends! You stabbed us in the back like we were nothing to you!" Niki barked, her blue eyes welling up with tears as she poked her pointer finger into his chest.

"Woah woah woah! Hey, Niki, calm down!" Tubbo gently placed a hand on Niki's shoulder. "Toby, he tried to take our nation away from us! He sided with the enemy! He sided with Dream!" Her voice broke the louder she yelled, her throat already raw from yelling. Niki was a quiet person, and yelling wasn't something she did particularly often.

Wilbur looked at Tubbo for guidance. He didn't know what to do, hell, he doesn't even remember doing either of those things! He just knew they happened. "Niki I-" "What Wilbur!? You what!?"

"I'm sorry I... I don't really remember a-any of that?" He said cautiously, turning his gaze away from a terrified Tubbo to a now totally confused Niki. "What do you mean you don't remember!?"

"I-I'm sorry!" Wilbur took a step back, once again looking to Tubbo for a bit of help. "Niki..." Tubbo took a deep breath before continuing. "Wilbur is a... ghost..."

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