Chapter 9 - Such a Great Guy

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"Fundy said I, for lack of a better word, 'disowned' him..." Wilbur mumbled, his fingers nervously fiddling with the soft fabric of his jumper. "I-Is that true? Like, did I...?"

"Yeah... Uh, yeah you did-" Wilbur's face fell "-But to be fair he did abandon you first!" Schlatt rested his body against the bars as he spoke, his ears twitching in rhythm with the sound of water dripping into his cell. Wilbur face screwed up in confusion. "Yeah! When I exiled you he immediately turned to me instead of going to you!"

Wilbur could feel his heart break a little. "Was I really that bad of a dad?"

"What? No! Hell no, Wil! You were a damn good dad, honest!" Schlatt reassured him. "Really?" "Yeah, of course!"

That made him feel a little better... But Fundy left that part about leaving first out of his little ramble... People had a habit of doing that around Wilbur, leaving things out of whatever they were telling him to either save his skin or their own.

People just didn't like telling him the complete and honest truth... Sure he hid from the truth a lot, but when he went around asking questions people always told him some sort of lie Schlatt has been the only person to be 100% with him...

"And besides, most of the kids on the damn server are little shits anyway! That Tubbo kid-"

"Why are you being so honest with me?" Wilbur cut him off.

Ghostbur was a little skeptical. Sure he trusted Schlatt, but from what he'd heard Schlatt wasn't one to shy away from cheats and scams. He was a politician, and Wilbur wasn't stupid. He could tell what type of guy Schlatt was, no matter how nice he was.

"Why wouldn't I be honest? I'm not tryna hide anything. Why would I lie?"
Wilbur left it at that. Schlatt was being sincere, he hoped.

Suddenly, the door behind Wilbur cracked open. "Shit!" Wilbur panicked, fishing an invisibility potion out of his bag and gulping it down, dashing to hide in the corner once the effect kicked in.

In stepped Tubbo, disheveled and exhausted. His strubbly hair stuck out in all direction, and his blue eyes looked sunken in.
He strode towards the cell, his face twisting up angrily as Schlatt let out a chuckle of amusement. "Well, if it isn't Mr-" "Shut it!" Tubbo snapped, stopping right at the cell bars.

Schlatt complied, a smug smirk pulling at his lips. "How are you here, huh!? How the hell are you alive!? You had a heart attack right in front of us! You bloody disappeared!" Tubbo barked. His body trembled like a chihuahua's.

"You'd love to know, wouldn't you Tubbo?" Schlatt chuckled. "Well I ain't tellin' you! Why should I?"

Tubbo pulled a netherite sword from his inventory, brandishing it under what little moonlight came into the room. "Ah... Okay, that's fair. That's fair enough..." Schlatt looked a little nervous, but he very quickly composed himself.

"Thing is though, Tubbo, I've already died, I know where I'm going. And believe me, it's beautiful!" His accent thickened the cockier he got, his pale, sharp nailed hands delicately fixing what was left of his tie before flicking his hair behind his horns. "You don't scare me Tubbo!" He pulled himself off the floor, his bright yellow eyes clashing with the pale light of the moon as they glared into Tubbo's sky blue irises.

Tubbo didn't back down however. He was angry, really, really angry. It was strange to see Tubbo's soft, sweet face twisted into a sour, sharp expression. His grip on the sword tightened. His knuckles were white.

"I'm not in the mood, Schlatt! Just answer the bloody question!" Tubbo held the sword up closer to Schlatt, the tip of the blade pointed between the metal bars, pointed right at where his heart would be. Schlatt scoffed when he saw where that blade was possibly headed.

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