Chapter 4 - Bread and Shit

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Once the two of them had settled themselves, Wilbur tried his hardest to explain the full situation to Niki. He forgot a few things like some people's names and a few dates and locations, but Niki didn't mind. She just tried her best to encourage him through his frustration.

"Tubbo mentioned Fundy actually, how is he? Tubb said he wouldn't really want to talk to me..." Wilbur looked over at Niki from across the table, his eyes sparkling in anticipation as he awaited her answer. "Uh..." Niki paused. She needed to be careful about her word choice here...

"Fundy... he's been a little off recently, s-since the explosions... I mean he barely even talks to me anymore!" That was a lie. A complete and utter lie. But she couldn't just outright tell him that Fundy didn't want to talk to him specifically. That would crush him.

Wilbur however was none the wiser, simply taking Niki's word for it. He didn't really think Niki would have any reason to lie, so he didn't bother to question it. "Oh... that's not very good, is it?..." Ghostbur frowned, absentmindedly blowing his hair out of his eyes as he rested his head in his hands. "No... no it's not..." Niki sighed, looking down at the spruce wood table.

"Niki... Niki do you hate me?"
Niki's eyes widened, her head immediately jerking up to look Wilbur in the eyes. He was being dead serious, but he wasn't asking like he was worried. He was asking out of sheer curiosity. He genuinely wanted to know.

But this time Niki didn't have to lie. "No... Wilbur I never hated you... I was just... angry." Niki paused a lot, careful with her words as her eyes focused on his. "Really? I-I thought everybody hated me, actually..." Wilbur dragged off at the end of his sentence, almost like he was distracted by something. Not that there was anything to get distracted by.

"You know... one of the only things I definitely remember is the smell of bread... I like the smell of bread a lot actually..." Ghostbur smiled thoughtlessly, looking over at Niki who had a soft smile on her lips. "Do you want some? I was putting some on out back, actually!" She stood up, offering Wilbur a hand. She already knew the answer would be yes anyway.

Wilbur gently took it, frowning when Niki grimaced at the cold of his hands. "O-oh I'm sorry!" He went to pull his hands away, but Niki quickly took it back. "Nonono, don't worry! They're just a little cold!" That was also a lie, they were freezing, as if they were frost-bitten. But Niki tried not to mind.

She led him outback, the distant smell of cinnamon, flour and something Wilbur wasn't quite sure of becoming stronger when they stepped behind the counter. "Here!" Niki brought him over to a table right at the back, Wilbur's legs falling behind him every so slightly as he hovered above the tile floor. "Try it and tell me what you think!" She passed him over a roll, her eyes watching him carefully to see his reaction.

He looked up at her, down at then bread, at Niki again, then down at the bread before taking a small bite. His eyes lit up once his swallowed it down, Niki grinning once she saw his priceless expression. "Niki oh my God this is amazing!" He giggled, setting his feet on the floor before taking another bite. "Really?" "Yeah!"

Ghostbur wolfed the whole thing down, his hands flapping excitedly at how unbelievably good the bread was. "Wil, calm down it's just bread!" Niki giggled, tugging down her rolled up sleeves as the ghost gave her an almost offended look. "Well it's the best bread I've ever had!" He furrowed his eyebrows, earning a burst of laughter from Niki.

"Don't laugh at me!" Wilbur tried to be angry but he couldn't stop himself from smiling at Niki's laugh. It just sounded like how a cupcake looked... it was just a pleasent, melodic noise.

Wilbur inevitably joined in on the giggling and laughing, just the simple sound of their laughter making them laugh more and more. Wilbur felt fuzzy... it was the exact feeling he remembered feeling when he was around Niki. He felt safe and almost fluffy... kind of like a bee.

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