Chapter 6 - A Bit Sexist

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Tommy and Wilbur spent the next 20 or so minutes just eating and talking, catching up and just... being brothers again.

For the first time in years, Tommy just felt like Wilbur's brother. He didn't feel like his vice president or his second in command, he felt like his younger brother... it was nice.

"Hey, Wilbur." Ghostbur's eyes jerked up to look at Tommy from where they'd been looking at the floor. "Look uhm... how much do you actually remember? Do... do you remember me?" Tommy was practically begging that Wilbur gave him the answer he wanted. How much of Tommy did Wilbur actually remember?

"Yeah! Yeah of course I remember you! You're my little brother, Tommy!" Ghostbur looked over at Tommy from where he sat on the bed, his grey eyes looking into Tommy's blue ones with a look of utmost sincerity Tommy doesn't think he's ever seen from Wilbur. "W-what do you remember, though? Like, about me?"

Ghostbur thought for a moment, his eyes squinting and his eyebrows kneading as he tried piecing things together. He'd been having difficulty with things like that recently. He'd started writing things he remembered in a little diary, but even those memories were getting away from him.

He shook that thought away, sighing deeply before speaking. "I... I remember you cheering me and Techno on when we used to spar as kids... you were like a little cheerleader!" Wilbur giggled, only laughing harder when Tommy's face scrunched up. "Cheerleadings for girls!"

Wilbur decided to take this opportunity. "Tommy, you're so sexist!"
Tommy's jaw dropped. "W-you what!?"
Wilbur cracked up laughing. "You heard me! You're really, really sexist!"
Tommy's face was a bright red. "What the fuck, man! What the fuck! I'm not sexist, I love women!"

Through their bickering Tommy could heard Tubbo through his earpiece. "Tommy, where are you!?"

Ah, fuck... yeah. He forgot about Tubbo.

"Hey! Uh... sorry I just got caught up with something. I-I'm coming now!" Tommy stood up, clicking off his earpiece before turning to Wil. "I gotta go. Just uh... thanks for the steak!"

Shit... shit shit.

"A-are you sure? I mean, you don't really need to go, do you?" Wilbur stood up aswell, tugging on the sleeves of his sweater anxiously. "I'm sorry man, Tubbo needs me."

Wilbur had to think- fast. He and Tommy had only just started talking, why did Tubbo have to cut them off so soon!?

"Hey! Uh- how about I come with you!" Wilbur grinned, stepping a little closer to Tommy. Tommy paused.

"I... I'm sorry Wil, I don't really know what Tubbo is calling me for... probably like, important president stuff, I dunno..." Tommy gave Wil this little 'sorry man' look before heading towards the door.

Fuck- nonono he can't go yet!

"See you later, man." And the iron door clicked shut behind him.

Okokok I know this ones a little shorter than usual but I swear to God the next chapter will absolutely be worth it I can guarantee you.
And 700 fucking reads ?? You fuckin wot mate?

Thank you all so much, that's actually soso fucking cool, i seriously appreciate it, thank you!!

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