Skyline - Chapter Three

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A human boy, about my age, sat at a table, reading. The boy wore a long sleeve shirt and loos jeans, he looked up from his book.

He looked at me. Our eyes met. He looked back at his book.

I walked through the doorway. My eyes darted around the room, taking it all in. This area had a pastel green decor, matched with dark wood. The lady was sitting on the other side of the table; knitting. She looked up and smiled.

"Sit down," She gestured the seat between her and the boy. He didn't look up at me again. She put down her knitting. I sat down.

"What's your name, love?" She asked.

"Kal-" My voice came out all croaky. I coughed, "Kaliska" I said. She smiled again.

"That's a very pretty na-"

"Why were you in our field?" The boy asked; frowning at me, cutting Maia off. I looked down, I didn't know how to reply, his thumb bookmarked his page in the thick novel, I looked up at him, ready to reply-

"Now now, no need to interrogate our guest, Tyrell" she said calmly, but firmly. "Sorry about him," she said to me, "My name's Maia, It's a pleasure to meet you" She said sweetly. I smiled. Tyrell opened his book again and continued to read.

"I fell." I said, looking right at him. He looked up slowly, until his eye's met mine. He looked away quickly and left the table, taking his book with him.

Maia looked at me strangely. Then she explained everything. How Tyrell had heard a noise in the night and he had gone out and found me in their field. How he carried me inside and up to the spare room. How he thought I was dead. How he didn't know what to do. How he sat by my side and cried until I started breathing again.

"I'm sorry." I said simply.

"Don't be" Maia patted my shoulder, like I was a child of her own. "What do you mean you fell?" She asked.

"It's a long story," I said simply, deciding it was best not to tell her I'm not from earth. She nodded. "I'm an orphan" I said. "I'm nobody."

"What do you mean?" she asked, puzzled.

"I don't have a home" I said simply.

"Oh well." She said, "We'll look after you, until you're better." She smiled.

"Thank you" I smiled back.

I was sent back to the spare room to rest, I read a book from the shelf in the room. It was quite interesting. It was called Romeo & Juliet, it was about a feud between two families and unconditional love of a girl from one; Juliet, and a boy from the other; Romeo. It upset me, in the end they both die, because he thinks that she is dead so he drinks poison and then she stabs herself. I finished it after a couple of hours. I lay on the bed and almost at once fell asleep. I was awoken by a rushed knocking on the yellow door.

"Hello" I said, opening the door.

"Erm Hey" Tyrell said, "Lunch is ready" He pointed behind him with his thumb, his other hand in his pocket. I noticed now, how pretty he was. He had dark green eyes and light brown hair. His mouth was in a straight line now, but his lips were a soft peach colour and he had high cheek bones. He looked at me, and at the book in my hand, and then turned around and went downstairs.

I followed, a few steps behind.

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