Ocean Deep-Chapter 3

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That night I was laying on my bed, in my pajamas, and got my laptop out from my suitcase. I logged onto Facebook to check my messages. I didn't have any, but Taylor had just put something new up for her status. She also had a new picture of herself, I think. She was wearing her dark blue pajama top with stars on it and matching shorts. She had them on tonight. But her status was the oddest thing. It read: 'taking care of Fuzzby tonight.'  Hmmm, I wondered. Does that rabbit get her undivided attention? I guess so.  I looked over at Josh who used to be playing his PSP, but is now zonked out. I looked over at my alarm clock. It said 11:26. I sighed, I guess i better go to sleep. There's nothing else to do. So I put my laptop away and turned off my lamp.  

THUMP! THUMP!  I jumped out  of bed when Iheard a loud thumping noise. I got up, stretched, and rubbed my eyes. I looked over at my clock. 1:10. THUMP! THUMP! There it goes again! I jumped up and walked over to Josh. I shook him violently, but all he did was groan and roll over onto his other side. I shook him again. " Josh! Josh!" THUMP! THUMP! I was starting to get worried. " Josh!" I said again as I shook him once more.  This time he answered. " Whaaaaat!" He said groggily.  " Do you hear that?" I asked him. " Hear what?" He asked angrily. THUMP! THUMP! His face went white. " Oh. That sound." He stammered. WE both got up to go investigate. THUMP! THUMP! We followed the noise into the kitchen. As we stepped in the doorway the thumping seized. The girl turned to stare at us. She had wet hair, hanging in her face, and a butcher knife in her hand. Covered in blood! In fact, her whole body was covered in blood! And she was wearing Taylor's blue star pajamas. I backed up into Josh, held onto his hand, and screamed.

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