Dear Future Husband
Hey so clearly this current letter was actually inspired by yet another argument that went down and its also linked to another letter that I'll be writing in the near future today we will go down one of the topics that is near and dear to my heart. That being RESPECT.
RESPECT : a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
To me I think its one of the few things that make or break a relationship not only between spouses but family and friends aswell even in your work place so it is really important. I think it goes both ways if you respect me I respect you right? Right.
So when the day comes and I meet you these are one of the things that I'll take into consedaration because if you don't have respect for me chances are you won't have respect for my family or anything else.
And also if you don't have any respect hpw would you be able to teach our future child or children respect and I want my parents to have respect its a quality and value they need to have no comprimises about that.
One day when I meet you I think you should know about this so that when the time comes you and I have no arguments about this.
Until then love always