he ordered for me??🙄

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When they both got out from the car Abir handed the keys of his car to the staff for parking.

When the staff noticed Mishti he gave her a look which said he didn't saw anything beautiful than her.

What resulted her cheeks turned into a pink shade as the staff is quite handsome but nor more than Abir.

"Are you from Tennessee, because you're looking like ten"He speak then give her a wink.

Mishti laughs seductively at his extremely corny pick up line,she was about to reply when,

"You are here to work not to play this love game around "he said to Mishti calmly when his glare is enough to make that staff shiver so he go from there as fast as he can.

Mishti rolled her eyes, then they both proceede into the restaurant. Seeing the restaurant Mishti got remember a past scene with Abir ...

That time Abir didn't have much money,but they were together and happy.
she said to him when they just crossing the road front of this restaurant ,,

"Abir you know I just love French food...you know na ..."she said looping a hand around his biceps...putting her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah I know my jaan...and I promise you that I would definitely took you to this restaurant for lunch.."he answered pinching her cute cheeks..

"How can I help you sir.."hearing the hostess voice she came back to the present..

"We had a reservation for a business meeting..."Abir asked.

"Yeah sir...let me check.."this time Mishti saw that the hostess tried to be more seductive while announcing every word eloquently .

Abir gave her his famous smiles while answering "yes. It's under Mr.Rajvanse.."

The woman checked in the computer screen and spoke"welcome Mr. Rajvansh. Let me show you your table. " she grinned and lead them to the table.

All the while Mishti felt like a tag along. She felt irritated and left one for the second time first that Kavya now this dammed hostess acting like she is invisible..

Sometimes she thoughts it's worst to again landed on him because before it her days was at least peaceful...

She came stop to a table overlooking the road. "Here is your table.."the hostess gesture towards it..

Abir took his sit and Mishti was about to follow the other sit but the hostess stopped her "I'm sorry..who let you in?
Do you have a reservation.."she snapped...


"She is with me.."before she can said anything Abir said to the hostess and then immediately that womans attention again go back to him...

"Oh"she uttered "well a waiter will be with you soon. If you need me...I'll will be there by the entrance "saying this the hostess leave not before sending a look of irritation to Mishti with moving her buttocks seductively which doesn't go unnoticed by her.

"To much desperation "she taunted.

"It's nothing new. Woman find me attractive.."Abir said like it is a matter of fact.

Mishti turned and gave him a blank look "yes..you are a God gifted for women...so handsome charming ,oh yeah not to forget so magnificent " Mishti Fired sarcastically..

He laughed loudly....and it's give her stomach a touch of butterflies. She didn't found the reason why his everything effect her so much..

Abir was about give her a reply when a man approached to their table.

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