I get a big white candle and rap the flannel around the bottom then place Harry's boots one on each side and pull out a clump of his hair I found in a brush in one of his drawers.

I laugh and light the candle and
Place the newly made shrine in front if my posters of him.
I start to mumble the Latin prophecy in which the gods will make another person in your control.

"Harry styles meum comedemus tampon"
"Harry Edward styles meum comedemus tampon"
I chant i Latin a couple times then pull out a insent and start walking around chanting with it smoking in my hand when suddenly I hear a knock on my window.

Oh crap I look wide eyes to who seems to be harry and then push the shrine in my closet and put out the burning stick.

I pull my shorts up and rush to the window and open it.

" yes " I asked and
Roll my eyes.

"Sorry just wanted to see you" he says and starts climbing in my room.

Duh crap,no.

"Ummm" I push him back and he falls off the side of the building.

" I didn't say you could come in gosh learn manners"
He just groaned in pain and I scoffed
"Don't be a baby"!!
I shut and lock my window then go to bed.

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