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Obito's POV

I sat down with Deidara on the dining room as Lily started making something that smelled awfully sweet. Pancakes maybe?
But the minutes felt like hours and I knew Valentina had gone out in this freezing cold, snowy day.

I excused myself with my childish behavior to not alarm them and headed outside to look for her.

Trying to sense her chakra in what seemed like a endless maze of snow. And the pain the cold cause my muscles only made concentration worse.
Until I spotted someone sitting under a tree in the snow.

"Valentina", I walked towards her. No response. I grabbed her shoulder and turn her to look at me and my stomach dropped.

Her face along with her hair framing her face were completely frozen. Covered in literal ice. Her eyes were closed as if she were sleeping but even her eyelashes were covered in ice.
"Valentina..I'm sorry".

I sat up in my bed as I heard screaming.
It was all a dream.

I looked out the window to see who was screaming and saw Sasuke playfully chasing and carrying Karin.
Guess even the victim of the Uchiha massacre is giving a second chance to happiness.

I got ready and went outside looking for Valentina, but she was nowhere in sight.

Since our conversation last night, I can't get her out of my head. She was even in my dreams and I am sure she'll be in my eternal genjutsu dream as well....

I saw her training close to a hill, but before I could approach her I saw a nervous Suigetsu beat me to it.
I hid in the trees to see what he wanted.

"Lily...I mean Valentina. How should I call you?", I could sense how nervous he was even from a good distance from the two young ninjas.

"Whatever you wish to call me. Those names soon will be written in an epitaph...if it is that anyone gives my death any honor", Valentina said not looking back at him. Her attention fully on practicing.

"Don't talk like that Valentina! I came here to talk to you about that", Suigetsu said.

"About my death?", Valentina asked confused.

"No. About after the war", Suigetsu said.

"Suigetsu, there won't be an 'after the war'-".

"I like you Valentina. A lot. And I want to marry you and spend the rest of our lives together", Suigetsu interrupted her.

Valentina stopped training and looked at him shock. I even took a step back of how shock I was.

"Suigetsu, I've known you since we were both 14 and staying with Orochimaru. I never knew you liked me. Since when?", she asked confused.

"Since Orochimaru's death, I saw a different side of you. I realized you weren't the cold-hearted killing machine Orochimaru trained you to be. I never said anything because you were with Tobi, and I know you still are but with the war coming up-".

"I'm not with Tobi", she interrupted him, and that felt like a shot to the heart.

He grabbed her hand. "Please give me an opportunity, Valentina. I really have feelings for you", he said placing her hand on his chest.

What a drama queen.

She stayed silent.
Please Valentina. Don't....

He kissed her cheek. "Think about it, Valentina."

Once he left I angrily walked towards Valentina. The way she stayed standing in place, completely shock, after he kissed her made me more mad.

I now stood in front of her and she just looked at me weird.

"What? The war has you acting weird too?", she said giving me her back.

"So you're going to live for him?", I asked her trying really hard to not sound jealous.

"Are you spying on me?", she asked looking at me shock.

"You were planning to die but now you want to live for him?", I asked again raising my voice.

"Why are you yelling at me? We're nothing", she said walking away.

I raised my mask and kissing her. She didn't pull away.

I wrap my arm around her waist, and I felt her fingers through my hair.

"Obito", she pulled away looking upset. "You can't offer me what he can".

"I can't be like him. I am better than him", I told her.

"An eternal genjutsu-", she began rolling her eyes.

"You don't understand why!", I interrupted her feeling myself get angry again.

"You were very clear last night about why. You said that in different circumstances-", her expression went from caring to emotionless in a second.

"Last night Madara was waiting for me outside your room and put a curse seal in my heart. If I betray him he will kill me. He is everywhere he hears everything", I interrupted her trying to explain to her what happened.

"Well I would watch what I do if I were you", she said and began walking away.

"Valentina please ", I tried to kiss her again. "You love me not him".

"We are done. I am willing to kiss every man in our side so you can know how done I am with you and your mind games", she said and left running.

I looked down trying not to cry. Now that I wanted to be alive and have a life with Valentina, I couldn't because of the curse seal in my heart.

Zetsu emerged from the ground. "Don't tell me you actually caught feelings for the lonely anbu?", he asked.

I did. She was a lonely anbu, and I was a lonely murderer.

"You were right about Raye, Zetsu. She has a weird power that makes you forget. Forget important stuff and emotions", I told Zetsu and ran after Valentina.

"Valentina I saw you in my dreams", I said.

"What an honor, Uchiha ", she said.

"In my dream we were back in the Akatsuki and it was the day you died. I went to go look for you but you froze to death", I told her, feeling a knot in my throat as I remembered it.

"What a peaceful death you gave me in your dream", she smirked. "In real life I was stabbed in my heart and bled out to death while laying on the cold snow".

I looked away from her feeling more guilty. Feeling sure that I would have nightmares about it after hearing this.

"It was never my intention to make you die!", I told her.

She looked at me.

"I will do something for you so you can know how much you mean to me", I told her grabbing her hand and leading her where her daughter was.

"Where are you taking me?!", she asked as we enter the hideout.

"Shut it", I told her opening the door of Karin's room.

Valentina stepped inside and fell to her knees crying when she saw her daughter Lily sleeping in a cradle.

"I lost my memory Valentina, but I am remembering everything now. Yesterday I saw Sasuke and Karin with your daughter. I know how much this matters to you", I told her.

Healing a lonely murderer  (Obito Uchiha Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now