The Day You Went Away

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    Yunlan can't  believe  that time flies quickly and now Shen Wei is packing his clothes to leave for America.

   Leaving him alone in their country. He suddenly  cling to his waist, "Xiao.....Wei! Don't  leave!" Yunlan suddenly  cried at his back. "Ah Lan! Please! Stop making this hard  for me! We need this!" As he confront him, "Every vacation I'll come back running to you! So don't  worry! And  I'll always call you!" While wiping his tears and kiss his cheeks.

    In an hours in the airport Shen Wei  bid goodbye to Yunlan,  to his parents and friends.  Shen Wei  was accompanied  by Mr. Shen. He didn't  look back. Because if he see Yunlan crying he might not continue to go to Harvard.

    Xin ci hugged  his son tightly, "Yunlan don't  cry anymore! Shen Wei  will come back you'll see! He will be here in no time." His father have assured this.

    It's  been few months Yunlan been spacing out because Shen Wei  is not with him. The ball almost hit him, luckily  Da quing  catched it. "Yunlan stop worrying about Shen Wei! He will come back I promise!" Yunlan look puzzle at him. "How did you know?" Da quing  almost blurted who he is when a ball was hited on his head. "Who done that?!" Da quing  is quite piss off and look at every direction on who hit him.

   "Ooops! My bad! The ball slip at my hand!" Said Yezun who smirk. "If  I were you don't  get near at Yunlan." He whispered  to him, making the two fight. While his team mate tried to stop the two. Still Yunlan is zooning out.

    But when Shen Wei  would video call, Yunlan almost drop everything just to see or hear his voice. "Ah Lan? Are you home already?" Yunlan quickly close his room and answer Shen Wei,  "Yes! I'm here! When will you come home?"

 "Ah Lan? Are you home already?" Yunlan quickly close his room and answer Shen Wei,  "Yes! I'm here! When will you come home?"

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    Shen Wei  chuckled  and tried not to cry, "I miss you!" He tried to hide his tears from Yunlan. "Why? Is there someone  bullying you there?! I'll come there tomorrow  and I'll fry him!" Shout Yunlan. Shen Wei  sniff, "Ah Lan  there's  no one! I just miss you and want to hold you again!" In September  I can go home there because it's  school break!" That made Yunlan smile and mark the calendar. "What do you want me to bring to you?" He ask.

    "I don't  want anything! Just  only you! I miss you too!" Suddenly  Yunlan cried. Making Shen Wei  cried as well, "Please be strong Ah Lan I'm coming home this next month!"  Yunlan wipe away his tears, "Yes I'll be waiting for you!" And before they close the video call they give each other a flying kiss.

    The next day he gave a good news to everyone. "I told you so he will come back!" Said Guo. And were gonna give him a surprise  welcome home!" Said Lin Jing and planning everything. "Hey! Where's  the kitty when your trying to find him?" Ask Yezun. Unknown to them Da quing  also watch over Shen Wei  if he leave his jiejie will watch over him.

    "So what's  the status?" He ask. "Nothing much! Shen Wei  is always in the library  working hard on his studies! But I'm worried about his new friends. As they saw a group of young people the same age of Shen Wei  hovering over him. "Hey! Wei! We heard your going home this holiday? Can we come as well?! Just to meet your so called wife that we didn't  believe  it!" Said Jack.

    "Come on! They said your country is beautiful  and have many authentic  foods! If your only joking that your married, we want proof!" Said Mindy.   "Or your just bluffing to get away from Sarah!" Sarah a blue eye beauty suddenly  emerge from behind. "Wei! Don't  listen to them they're  just joking!" She smile shyly to him. "Then why won't  you invite us?! We promise we won't  make trouble to your beautiful  wife!" Said Coner.  Shen Wei  chuckled, "I told you his a young boy! My Yunlan! His so handsome and his mine!" While looking at his ring. Everytime he said his name Sarah can't  help to feel jealous  because there's  a sparkle and love in Shen Wei's  eyes.

    Coner cough, "Really? Than we want to meet him! If his very special  to you? We also want to be his friend!" Everybody suddenly  chanted that he should invited them. Making the librian hush them. For they are loud  and disturbing the other students.  Shen Wei  have no choice but to say yes. Making everyone cheer and laugh. The librian talk again to them to keep silent.

    "This is trouble!" Said Da quing. His sister nod. "Yunlan won't  be happy sharing Shen Wei  to other people especially  that blue eyes brunette!"

    Meanwhile  back to Yunlan his preparing everything that Shen Wei  needs in their room. His father pass by and seeing his son is busy. "So I heard Shen Wei  will be coming back next month? But why are you preparing his things already? That next month is still a long days?" Xin ci ask.

    "Don't  worry Dad! I just want everything to be perfect when Shen Wei  come home! I will make his a vacation a memorable days! We will go to the beaches just the two of us or watch movies and go anywhere  he want!" Xin ci tease him, "Are you two planning to have a child? I hope not yet because your still in highschool?" That made Yunlan red, "Dad! Not yet! And you know we can't  have that were both men!" And throw a pillow toward his father who catch it easily.

    "There's  nothing impossible  in this era! Just tell it to me and will get the best doctor to get you two a baby!" And gave back the pillow and  left laughing.
"Dad have a really big imagination!" But suddenly  it came to Yunlan's  vision Shen Wei  is pregnant while he help him up toward the hospital to gave birth to their child. Yunlan can't  stop his giggling just imagining  it.

   While they're  future child will grow up to look a minnie Shen Wei.  And they would play all day in the park. Shen Wei  will look at him lovingly and kiss him. His imagination  burst when he got a call again from Shen Wei  and told him  he will have a few friends that will accompany him home. Yunlan's  face change.




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