Dream Or Nightmare

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Yunlan's  Dream🌺

      "Xiao.....Wei!!! Where are you?!" Yunlan see Shen Wei  playing with little  kids. "Oh! My Xiao Wei  became a teacher for  children! That's  cute!"

    Shen Wei look at him in puzzle, "Teacher? What are you talking about, Honey! I'm a lawyer! And pretty late in my case that I'm handling! Here!" He gave him the most youngest boy to Yunlan who was shocked. "Wait! Why are you giving me this child?" He ask while Shen Wei  kiss his cheek.

   "Silly wife! Don't  you remember? This is our children! Children! Please! Take care of your mother!" All the children nod. As Shen Wei  left the children suddenly  mug Yunlan whose wearing a pink apron. "No! This can't  be happening! This is not all my children. But the children kept chanting, "MAMA.....MAMA!!!!" Yunlan scream.

End Of Yunlan's  Dream🌺

     Yunlan bolt from up from his bed, looking at his stomach if his not pregnant.  Making Shen Wei  stir. "What's  the matter?" Yunlan told his dream. Making Shen Wei  laugh but he suddenly  got an idea. He pinned  Yunlan on the bed making Yunlan freeze.
    "I thought you want children for our family? Why not begin it now?" And start kissing Yunlan whose struggling  from his hold. "Stop! Xiao Wei!!! Yunlan start giggling when Shen Wei  suddenly  kiss him at the stomach making him giggle. But he never anticipate Shen Wei  have pulled his pants down with his boxers and thrusted his prize unto him. "Aaaaah.....No.....I don't  want......" But he was cut by the intense  prize of Shen Wei  when it hit his soft spot again and again.

    Forgetting his woes on the pregnancy as he scream for more. Shen Wei  smirk that he made Yunlan melt to his hold while rocking his body unto  him and kissing him like there's  no more tomorrow. 

    Outside, Yezun and Da quing  was doing there late project when Yunlan scream. Yezun almost toss his hot coffee to Da quing. "Hey! You two not too loud!"  Da quing  tried not too laugh.

    In a couple of hours, Shen Wei  emerge with a smile on his face and preparing breakfast for his dear wife. "Lucky gege! He got a young, handsome wife!" Then look at Da quing  whose looking else  where. "Stop gazing at me! And continue our work! Our professor will kill us if we didn't  finish this!" And evading Yezun eyes.

   Meanwhile, Shen Wei  hurriedly place the breakfast on the tray and walk toward their room. He place the tray on the nightstand and trying to wake up his cute wife. Who went under the blanket. "Ah Lan! You need to wake up now and almost take off the blanket, revealing his bare body.

    Shen Wei  almost drool looking at that and can't  help to touched  his smooth back. "Mmmmh...." Shen Wei's  touch making Yunlan fall back into slumber.  Shen Wei  started to kiss his nape and shoulder. "Ah....Lan please wake up now! We need to attend school!" While Shen Wei  happily  inhaling his lover's  scent making him head over  hills, over the moon.

   "Stop making me crazy for you Ah Lan!" While kissing him non stop on the back. Yunlan on the other hand was having fun having Shen Wei's  all attention on him. Still he have that magic spell that can make Shen Wei  fall for him over and over. Until he pulled him back to bed and snuggle to his embrace. "Ah....Lan! If we always do this we cannot finish  our studies! So get up now and eat breakfast!"

    That made Yunlan smirk, really? If you want to wake me up stop caressing my body! Your touch making lol back to sleep!" And kiss both Shen Wei's  hands. That made Shen Wei  blush, "Naughty wife!"

   On the other hand outside Yezun looking intensely  on Da quing  whose sweating, "Okay! Stop looking at me! Do I have something  on my face?" He ask.
"No! But you know......I know you from somewhere  I think? But I forget where....?" But before he can continue, "Stop it didi! Don't  scare your tutor!" Said Shen Wei  as he pass by them and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

   "I'm not scaring him?! And call sister  in law we need to go to school in a minute!" When suddenly  Yunlan came bottoning his polo shirt making bare chest reveal to the other. Yezun was drolling, when Da quing  suddenly  hit a book on his head and frown. "What?! It's  not my fault?!" Yezun protest. "Xiao.....Wei....I can't  botton this! Can you help me?" Yunlan batting his eyes on his husband.

   "Ah....Lan! It's  only a simple polo shirt! Can't  you do it on your own?" When Yezun suddenly  volunteered  but Shen Wei  blocked  him. "Hey! Get your own wife to botton his shirt!" And help Yunlan on it. Yezun grumble back to his sit with an equal angry cat looking at him.

   While Shen Wei  helping Yunlan at his shirt. Yunlan can't  help to admire how beautiful  is Shen Wei.  Everything is perfect on him. His long eyelashes, his aristocratic  nose,  his blushing cheeks and  soft pink lips. Everything so perfect in him. Maybe they're  children would be beautiful  like him? And he can't  seem to stop himself from smiling.

    "I love you!" He suddenly  whispered  to Shen Wei's  ears. Making Shen Wei  startled and became red unto his ears.
Yunlan repeat it again, "I love you can't you hear it?" Shen Wei  smile, "I know that's  why you married me? Silly wife!"

     And straightened  his shirt, "I want my wife looking perfect and splendid in his class!"

    When they went to school, they heard screaming of people. Shen Wei  and Yunlan look at what's  happening  and they saw a couple at the edge of the building. The man suddenly  fell off the building. Shen Wei  block the view of Yunlan but not before seeing whose the one who pushed  the guy off the building. It's  his professor! Professor Von Claude! And he made a sign to Yunlan to kept quiet. While the man fell off is Jack.


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