chapter twenty two

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The final notes of the song hung in the air, and so did CeCe. She was in Gunther's arms, a huge grin on her face. Her arms were raised up but they slumped to her sides when the music finally stopped. She dropped to the floor, collapsing against Gunther. Her muscles were burning and a headache was forming above her eyes, which was not a good combination. 

"I haven't danced like that in forever," CeCe gasped, closing her eyes. Gunther wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her up. A soft chatter went up around them, drowning out her sigh. "Oh my gosh, I'm so dead."

Gunther chuckled, his voice reverberating in his chest. "I know, but it is worth it, is it not?"

"It's so worth it." CeCe stood back up, brushing her sweaty red hair away from her face. She wringed out her shirt, frowning. "Though, the sweat isn't worth it. Ugh, I hate being sweaty."

"You look cute," Gunther said, grinning. He held his arms out, but she took a step away from him, the linoleum floor making a squeaking noise beneath her feet. "Aw, did I make little CeCe uncomfortable?"

"Yeah." She sniffed, looking away from him. She spotted Ty, Tinka, and Rocky across the room, all huddled together. "Hey, what do you think they are talking about?" She pointed to their other friends before glancing back at Gunther. She noticed that his blonde hair was slicked back, and his cheeks were bright red. "I hope it's not about me."

"CeCe," he said, shaking his head, "what else do they have to say about you? Did Ty know about you not working here?" She nodded. "Okay. Then he is not mad with you. He is probably telling Tinka and Rocky that you did not want to keep that a secret."

"Are you sure?" Gunther nodded firmly, making her smile. "Okay. I believe you."

"Good," he said, laughing. He looked around the room before taking a step toward CeCe, enveloping her in a hug. "Do not look now," he whispered in her ear, "but Ty is herding Rocky and Tinka this way."

"What?" CeCe said loudly, trying to peer over his shoulder. He straightened his back, making her curse under her breath. "Why are you taller than me?"

"Because I am." He squeezed her tight, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She melted into his arms, snuggling closer to him. "You will be fine, CeCe. They are almost here now."

"Okay," she said, sucking in a deep breath. She let go of Gunther, but held onto his hand for support. She didn't think she could be in the presence of Rocky when she was upset with her. Tinka was giving her an icy stare, so she said, "Hey, guys."

"Hi, CeCe!" Ty said bright, throwing his arms around her neck. Her hand was ripped away from Gunther's and she let out a strangled noise. "I heard about your fight. I'm trying to get them to see your side, but they aren't listening to me."

"Thanks, Ty," CeCe whispered, "but I got this. They are my friends and this is my mess. I need to take care of it."

"That may be the first adult thing you've ever said." He pulled away from the hug, giving her a quick smile. "It feels great being back together."

"It feels like the good old days, does it not?" Tinka grinned over at Ty, pinching his cheek. CeCe thought that he would have jerked away from her, but he lovingly leaned into her touch. "Except you and I were not together then, and neither were Gunther and CeCe."

"And now look at us," Gunther said quietly, staring at his sister. "We are together again yet apart."

"You know," Rocky said for the first time, her voice quiet, "I'm kind of rusty at dancing. It's been forever since I last danced to a routine, so this has been pretty hard." She shrugged, staring at her hands. Her dark hair was creating a curtain around her face, making CeCe frown. She never rehearsed with her hair down. "I mean, I've danced with Gunnar, but not in this way, I guess."

"You danced amazingly, Rocky," CeCe said, hoping her voice wouldn't shake. "I don't think you messed up once."

Rocky looked at CeCe once, her eyes dark pools. CeCe was afraid that she was going to snap at her, but she didn't open her mouth again. Instead, a sharp whistle sounded in the air, and the choreographer yelled, "Five more minutes of break!"

CeCe groaned, dropping her head. "I forgot how hard it was to rehearse for a big dance."

"This new choreographer is tougher than the last one," Ty said, his voice quiet in the loud room. He leaned in, and Tinka and Rocky followed suit. "He's a mean one, and I've gotten yelled at plenty of times for slacking. You guys better keep quiet about how tired you are or else he will make you rehearse for hours."

"Great," Tinka muttered, glaring over her shoulder at the choreographer. "Shall I place a curse on him?"

"You're still on that?" CeCe asked, giggling. "Your curses never work, Tinka!"

"Are you sure?" She cocked her head to the side, her blue eyes like slits. "I curse you, CeCe Jones, that your great-great-great-great grandkids will all be ugly, even if they come from my own brother."

CeCe giggled nervously, her eyes flicking over to Gunther. His cheeks seemed to be even redder and he had stepped away from her, leaving a big gap between the two of them. "We aren't even together yet," she said hesitantly. "Who says we will be together in the future?"

"We are just living in the moment now," Gunther said, nodding. He smiled softly at CeCe, saying, "And I really, really like it."

"Gross," Tinka muttered, rolling her eyes. "I never thought I would see this day. You know, CeCe, Gunther has been crushing on you for years. I did not think he would actually have the guts to ask you out."

"We did help him," Rocky said, nudging Tinka. "So, we are to blame for them getting together." She grinned at Tinka, making CeCe's heart drop. "We can be grossed out together."

"Yeah," CeCe said loudly, "Gunther and I will be grossed out whenever Tinka and Ty are together."

"Hey, don't bring me into this!" Ty threw his arms up into the air, shaking his head. "I'm always involved in things that I don't want to be involved in."

The tension was tight as they stood in a circle, all staring at someone else. CeCe couldn't tear her eyes away from Rocky, but she would never look straight at her. The hope that had blossomed a few days ago shriveled up and dissipated, leaving a very depressed feeling in its place. Nothing would ever be the same with Rocky, so she should just quit trying to get on her good side. 

The choreographer whistled again and they were all hustled back into the line. CeCe would get through these rehearsals and then she would be done with the drama. She wasn't sure what she would do after, but it would be better than being upset about the Rocky situation. It had to be.

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