🎄Chapter 04: 🎶Holiest of Nights🎶🎄

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Chapter 04: 🎶Holiest of Nights🎶

*Holly's POV*

After Luke and Bernard took Bell and I to the room we'll be sleeping in tonight, we opened the door and gasped in surprise.

There were two double beds - one on each side of the room, various toys lined up neatly against the wall, a coal fire already lit, and the beds have several pillows on them, all Christmas themed, same for the devour on each bed.

I walked in and couldn't help but smile while I removed my coat and boots. "It looks amazing."

Bell walked in and removed her coat and boots as well and placed them on the floor next to the bed on the left side of the room. "Absolutely perfect. Thank you, both of you."

Bernard smiled at Bell, his cheeks tinted pink. "It's no problem, really. Anything for you-I mean, Santa's daughter and her best friend, of course."

Luke took a step towards me. "What you said out there...was it all true? Did you mean what you said?"

"Everything we said is the absolute truth. We wouldn't lie about something like that." I told them without breaking eye contact. "We wouldn't lie about anything at all."

"If dad doesn't learn to accept his role as Santa, it could end in disaster for all the children around the world. They'll wake up on Christmas morning to find no presents under the tree because there's no Santa Claus, leaving them devastated and heartbroken." Bell said truthfully.

Luke and Bernard looked at each other, then back at us with identical smiles. "You girls really are the truest believers, aren't you?"

Bell and I looked at each other and giggled. "Always."

Just then, a female elf walked through the small door carrying a tray with two silver cups. She had on a tall pointed hat, long light brown hair that's just past her waist, a long red dress, and purple tights.

"Hello, you must be Annabelle, Santa's daughter, which means you're her best friend Holly. I'm Judy, I work in the kitchen. I brought you both some hot cocoa, it helps to drink some before you go to sleep. Keeps the nightmares away." She said with a smile. She has the same name as Judy the waitress, what a coincidence.

Bell and I took a cup each. I smiled at her gratefully. "Thank you very much."

We both took a sip each and our eyes went wide, then we drank some more. Bell smiled at Judy. "Thanks Judy, this is really delicious."

Judy grinned. "You're both welcome, it's my very own recipe. Took me 1,200 years just to get it right."

My eyes went wide. "Seriously?! I struggled to bake a cake in just one year, never mind 1,200!"

Judy chuckled. "It just takes a lot of practice, that's all. You'll get the hang of it eventually. Anyway, I have to go, I'm needed back in the kitchen. It was great to meet you two, hope to see you again soon."

We placed the cups back on the tray once we were done, then she left.

Luke grinned and turned to us. "Anyway, as the two of you are the ones who believe in Santa and the rest of the Legendary Figures the most, we want to give you a special mission." I looked at Bell confused. She shrugged her shoulders as if to say 'I'm just as confused as you are'.

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