🎄Chapter 12: 🎶My Favorite Things🎶🎄

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Chapter 12: 🎶My Favorite Things🎶

*Annabelle's POV*

A couple of weeks later, dad and I went to the doctors so he could have a check up, just as Mr. Whittle suggested. He's looking more like Santa everyday. Fully grown grey beard and everything.

"Old age really has taken a toll on you, huh, dad?" I couldn't help but get a good kick out of it from time to time, it just kinda happens, ya know?

"Carry on with the old people jokes, and you'll be on Santa's Naughty List for a change." Dad said before we waited for the doctor to enter the room.

When the doctor turned up, he got dad to run on the treadmill for a couple of minutes to test his blood pressure. "Okay Scott. The time is up."

"Whew." Dad said in relief.

The doctor pressed a button on the treadmill to make it stop and gestured for dad to step off it. "Get over here and check your pulse."

"Alright." Dad said as he got off the treadmill and took a seat on one of those uncomfortable looking beds you see at your local GP practice.

The doctor held dads wrist so he could check his pulse while he looked at his wristwatch. "Okay? Hmm."

After a couple of seconds, the doctor looked very confused. "Ah. Well, nuts. I..." Dad and I looked at the doctor a little worried. "Oh, no, you ur pulse is great." Doctor walked over to the side to grab something. "I don't know, Scott. You're as healthy as a horse."

"Yeah. Clydesdale." said Dad.

"I'm sure it's not that bad, dad." I tried to reassure him. "If the doctor says you're healthy, then it's all good, right?"

The doctor looked at dad. "Okay, look. So, what? You put on a little weight."

Dad stood up abruptly and pointed to his stomach. "A little weight? Does this look like a little weight to you?"

I stood up and walked over to them. "Dad, calm down."

"Weight can fluctuate from year to year." The doctor sounded a little unsure.

Dad sat back down. "Fluctuate? You make it sound like I'm retaining water." Dad turned around slightly to face the doctor. "I've gained 45 pounds in a week!"

"It's true, I see him everyday because we live together, and I've seen nothing like it until now." I have to be careful not to mention the whole Santa thing incase he refers me over to have some therapy sessions, and we all know who will be the one conducting them.....

"Pete, what's happening to me?" Dad asked desperately.

"What's your diet like?" The doctor asked.

I decided to answer this one. "Normal, he's careful with his milk tolerance because he's lactose intolerant-"

"Milk and cookies." Dad interrupted me. I gave dad a 'seriously?' look, which he returned with a simple shrug.

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