🎄Chapter 13: 🎶Believe🎶🎄

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Chapter 13: 🎶Believe🎶

~Time Skip~

*Annabelle's POV*

I heard the doorbell ring, but I couldn't answer it because I was still in bed. You can't blame me from trying to get a lay in during the weekend. Dad probably answered the door anyway.

"Uh, Bell? Could you come here for a sec?"

I sat up in my bed and yawned. "Just a minute!" I yelled while sliding my feet into my penguin slippers. I walked over to my wardrobe, grabbing my dressing gown and putting it on over my pyjamas.

I left my room and made my way downstairs. "What's up, daddio-Oh. My. Gosh."

I stopped in the middle of the stairs to see a very tall pile of red boxes. In fact, the boxes were literally all over the place stacked up very high, almost touching the ceiling. "Were we expecting a delivery today?"

"Apparently so." Dad said in surprise. I walked down the rest of the stairs and stood next to dad, taking a good look at the boxes.

Dad picked up an envelope with a red stamp on it and opened it up. "It's the list!" He shook his head and placed the letter on top of a pile of boxes next to him. I grabbed the letter and had a quick read of it myself. "Huh....he wasn't kidding when he said he'll ship the list to you."

I checked to make sure there was nothing I've missed when reading it, but found a small message addressed to me personally at the back. It said:


Thanksgiving is almost upon us, there's no time to lose!

Keep doing exactly what you and Holly are doing, we can feel the Spirit of Christmas growing stronger with each passing day here in the North Pole.

It's been difficult not to get to see you again since I visited you in the middle of July, but I know it'll all be worth it in the end, because I get to see your beautiful smile, and hear your sweet and caring voice again that's full of magic and wonder - exactly the words I would describe you as a person.

'Good things come to those who wait'

Can't wait to see you again!

Love, B.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I quickly shoved the letter back in the envelope so didn't wouldn't see it. I can feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach again, it always happens when I think about Bernard. He's the most sweetest, caring, and not to mention handsome guy I've ever met. The boys at school are absolutely nothing compared to Bernard.

Bernard has known me for a very long time, it was just a shame that Holly and I had to have our memories taken away. He's waited all this time for me. The least I could do is to look out for him as a friend.

But then....what if I want more than that? What if I wanted the both of us to be more than just 'friends'? Is it wrong to feel a little selfish like that from time to time?

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