🎄Chapter 19: 🎶Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas🎶🎄

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Chapter 19: 🎶Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 🎶

*Annabelle's POV*

We landed behind the back of the house, hoping none of the cops could spot us.

I turned to Noah and the rest of the E.L.F.S. "We can't thank you guys enough for helping us rescue dad."

Holly smiled up at them as they started hovering in the air again. "Yeah, you guys were absolutely awesome."

All of them held smiles on their faces. Noah readjusted his hat a little. "No problem, anything for Santa's family."

Dad held his hand up and waved to them. "Goodbye you guys, have a safe journey back to the North Pole."

Charlie, Holly and I, waved goodbye to them as well with smiles on our faces. "Bye everyone." The E.L.F.S smiled and waved back at us before flying away, heading back to the workshop.

Dad took a deep breath in and out ."Let's go kids, it's time we made an appearance." He opened the back door and let Charlie in first, followed by Holly, me, then finally dad.

"Mom?" Charlie asked as he removed his coat.

"Elizabeth?" Holly asked as the rest of us entered the living room and saw mom, Neil, and Elizabeth in the kitchen.

"Mom?" Charlie grabbed their attention. "Neil? We're home."

"We having a Christmas party here or something?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood a little.

There was a collection of gasps on the floor around the tree. Charlie, Holly and I, looked to see Nathan, Micky, Elle, Roxy, and Hope, staring at us in shock....either that, or it was seeing dad dressed as Santa in front of them.

"Bell?" Hope asked quietly.

I grinned at her and crouched down, opening my arms out wide. "Hiya, Hope."

There was a small pause for a moment, until she smiled widely. She practically jumped up to her feet and ran towards me with her arms wide open. I encased her in a warm embrace before picking her up and held her in my arms. "Good to see you too, kiddo."

Roxy, Elle, Nathan, and Micky, surrounded Charlie, Holly and I, in a group hug.

Holly laughed as she tried to hug them back as much as we could. "Okay you guys, you can let us breath now."

They let go and moved over to the couch and sat down, except for Roxy, who stood between Holly and Charlie.

She turned to Charlie and smiled. "Hey Charlie, did you really go to the North Pole again?"

Charlie grinned and nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, you bet we did! Maybe next time, dad might let you and everyone else go, too! You'll love the workshop Roxy, there's a whole bunch of toys there!"

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