Benjamin's Birthday Bash

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The day of Benjamin's party came and he'd asked to come get me so I could ride with him and walk in with him . I'd told him yes of course . When I got in the car he complemented the way I looked and how I smelled . He said " you got your hair , toes and nails done without telling me " . I said " what do I have to ask you " . He said " no I just would've payed for that too " . I knew it . I knew he'd try to pay for it . He took care of me and I loved him for it . We arrive to the house where he was having his party and the party had already started and he was ready to walk in with me . He was holding my hand and asked " you ready ? " I replied " yeah " . We walk through the door and people were everywhere . People were recording us and taking pictures . I felt famous for a little second . Someone had yelled from upstairs, " aye the birthday boy just arrived " . So many females were looking at me like they wanted to fight me . I stayed calm cause I didn't wanna ruin Benjamin's party . We go sit down together and I see my best friend in the crowd . She comes and hugs me and asked me was I okay . I told her yes and she had left cause she wanted to go see her boyfriend . Benjamin and I were talking at the party he was kissing on me , kissing on my neck , he made me laugh and we even got up and danced together . It felt like a dream . The feeling he gave me was like nothing else mattered but this moment when we were together . We sit down and his arms are wrapped around me and he said to me "Tonight ima go crazy" . I asked him "wym go crazy" . He looked at me like I was slow I yelled what . He apologized and asked me "Brittany you still a virgin ?" . I nodded yes . He said "We don't have to do anything until you ready then baby, that's exactly what you is a baby, my baby and ion wanna hurt you" . I believe that was the moment I fell in love . I fell harder than a mom has for their newborn baby . We'd partied a little bit more then he'd dropped me off home with a kiss and a hug . I loved it here . I felt life was complete . What could go wrong ?

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