A New Beginning

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Now don't get me wrong just because your having sex with somebody doesn't mean it'll make the relationship better but Benjamin and I had been together for a while and we'd finally did it so I think it made us more comfortable with each other . The sex made it better but only because it made our bond better . I was glad I waited and Benjamin didn't make me feel forced . Everything was perfect . We'd linked every week or every other week . That meant we were having sex more so I started taking birth control as well . If we took pictures they never hit the internet . We loved that private life and we both had trust issues so we ain't wanna go out looking bad . Only people who knew we were together were his few homeboys and my one best friend . My mom loved him too . He was so respectful with her and she even started calling him son . Benjamin could come to the house anytime he wanted and I could leave and go with him anytime I wanted . I never knew my dad so there wasn't one for him to meet . Benjamin always did nice things for me . It never failed . We were going strong for 5 months and had just hit 6 months . Every month we counted down he wanted to do something . This relationship was special to him because all of his ex's were so bad . He had girls use him for money , girls use him just to say their with him . He even had girls trying to get pregnant with him just to get his money . He never had a real girl until now . I surprised him with everything . My loyalty , my attention , not that I had to prove to everyone i'm with him , not that I forced him to post me , when I bought him things without him asking , and just stuff I did just because I loved him . Anyways back to the topic . We'd made 6 months and this month he got to pick what we were doing and where we were going . We took turns every month . He picked this place that you eat outside but you still get waiter service . The seats he'd gotten us were so BOMB . We sat in the back close to the water and the ducks with the high chairs and the sun hitting us but the lil shade thing blocking the sun too . I don't really know how to explain it but it was romantic . We ordered food and I kid you not everywhere I go I always ended up ordering pasta or wings . I gotta stop that but tonight I still order chicken pasta with a sprite and I always get a dessert . This restaurant had a brownie with ice cream on the side as their special tonight so I ordered that . I start eating my icecream before it melts and I see something in my icecream . I didn't say anything but Benjamin started smirking trying to hold his laugh . I was so confused like what the hell . I start picking at the icecream and a ring falls out . Im looking at it like " 🤨 " . I yell "um waiter , people who work here" . Benjamin grabs my hand and says "chill chill , that ring for you" . I said "for me?" . He said "yeah my homie work in the kitchen I got him to slip it in there . It's a promise ring and I promise to love you forever and never give up on you even when you try to get a attitude and leave . I still love you" . I could've thought I was dreaming . My head was like " really ? is this real ? this guy really loves me ? " I couldn't believe it . I started crying ... again ! He got out his seat and came around the table and started hugging me . He had called me a crybaby and said im always crying . I told him well I can't help it your so sweet . He took the ring from me so he could put the ring on my finger . Then I just hugged him for a long time . I got a to go plate after that because I never finish my pasta . We drove back to his apartment and well lets just say y'all know what happened after but we tried some new this time . Lets just say we ain't make to the bed either . I come in and sat down the food and started hugging and kissing on him cause I was just happy but he picked me up and sat me on the table he had in the kitchen . It wasn't no little table like 2 feet off the floor either , nope! It was a big circle wooden table and it sat high . He sat me on the table and took off my jeans then undid his belt . While he kissing me he leans me back and moves my underwear to the side and just slides it in with no warning . When he did this he always tried to do this challenge with me and basically I couldn't break the kiss but I always ended up breaking the kiss first . I couldn't help myself . We were on the table a little while then he picked me up and took me to the room . I also tried riding that night . He told me to turn over but I told him no I want to get on top . He looked at me and smiled and said "you wanna get on tooopppp , you sure ?" . Me not knowing what i'm doing " bae yes are you gonna lay down " . He was like ainn gotta tell him twice . I got on top and I felt like I was doing good for my first time . Every 2 minutes he would be like " damn bae , slow down a little bit " . So I knew I was doing it right and when he told me slow down I just sped up cause i'm like no you deserve it . While im riding him I thought about the times when he was thrashing me from the back and he would say " I love you " knowing its kinda hard for me to actually say it back and if I didn't say it back he'd just go harder . So I decided let me do it too then . I sped up a lil bit and then I said " I love you " , his eyes was rolling in the back of his head already he ain't say it back quick enough for me so I sped up more and he quickly said it " mm baby I love you too , I love you more " . I was smiling and then we'd finished up . When I got off he was like " you tryna be like me now " . I said " maybe I am , maybe im not " . He told me I couldn't be like him but the way I just had him I knew I could be just like him if I wanted too . We started laughing and playing around . Little did we both know our life's were about to change so fast .

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