The Big Mistake

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Benjamin was dead but it didn't feel like it . His voice , his face , his touch , his EVERYTHING !!! Was just stuck inside my head . Just the feeling of him being gone , I can't hear that voice , I can't see that face , I CANT FEEL THAT TOUCH !!! It killed me . I felt like I was dying . I hadn't gotten out of bed in five days . Hadn't showered , hadn't brushed my teeth , I wasn't eating , I texted nobody back . Benjamin dying was all over the media so I logged out of everything . I went ghost . Feel off the face of earth like I was the one that died . But I did die that day . Apart of me did . I always told Benjamin "your my whole heart , my other half" . The thought of him suffering from burning inside of a jail cell and I couldn't save him ? Killed me over and over again . It was like a bullet entering my head everytime . I watched movies , used the bathroom and threw up alot . That was the only thing that I did that was active . I missed Benjamin , I needed Benjamin . A week passed and I realized I couldn't do it anymore . I looked into suicide a lot . People always said if you kill yourself your going to hell . Without Benjamin I was already in hell . He burned in that cell I felt like that should've been me . I didn't want to suffer any longer .
- 3rd Person Point of View -
On that same night Brittany killed her self . She knew without Benjamin she couldn't live . She didn't want to live and she'd already been through a lot . Britany left a letter before she died saying
I love my mom , I love whoever loves me . Just know this wasn't anybodies fault . Life hasn't been very good to me but don't let this effect you either . I love you . Whoever finds me please make sure my mom knew I loved her .
Brittany didn't want her mom self blaming herself because she'd picked a shitty man to be her dad so that love she never had from dad she always looked for in guy . What Brittany didn't know was Benjamin never died that day . Benjamin staged the whole plan so he could escape jail and be free . So he could get back to Brittany even faster . His plan was to fake his death and run with Brittany after he got himself together first . He couldn't tell Brittany at visitations or through the jail phone because he knew people were listening . When Benjamin got himself together he headed home . Benjamin found Brittany on the bathroom floor where she'd overdosed . He'd felt so bad . He knew it was his fault . He knew if he would've never faked his death or told Brittany the plan she would've never done this . Benjamin felt empty . He kept thinking to himself , "what would I do without you Brittany , I'm sorry i'm so sorry" ! Benjamin picked Brittany up off the floor and laid her on the bed . He then grabbed the gun he'd had hidden in the closet and took his own life . Benjamin also had left a note .
I loved Brittany . Brittany loved me . When she heard of my false death the first time , I knew she only took her life because she thought she'd never see me again . To Brittany's mom i'm sorry . I'm sorry Brittany . My life revolved around you , you are and were my life . Life without you is not life at all . If I can't be with you then I don't want to be with anybody else . Nobody in this world cares about me but you .
He knew he could never escape this feeling of guilt . He knew he could never shake the feeling of life without Brittany . Brittany knew she could never get use to the feeling of life without Benjamin . Their love story is one of a kind but it also represents how all good things come to an end . Benjamin made Brittany the happiest girl ever but could also make her the angriest person in the world . Brittany made Benjamin the happiest boy ever but could also make him the softest dude you'd ever meet . But it also shows how you just have to trust God in tough situations like Brittany's . Brittany missed Benjamin very much , if she would've just waited one more week she would've gotten to be with the love of her life IN LIFE . Not in the afterlife . You never know what God has in store for you so don't always give up because of that one hard road to cross . They never really associated with people at all and not many knew where Benjamin lived . Brittany was filed as a missing person and nobody knew where she was till the landlord entered the house one day after a months rent hadn't been paid and thats where he found Benjamin and Brittany together on the bed with their notes sitting on the floor . They'd been dead so long they had to be cremated . After this Brittany'scmom threw their ashes into the ocean . This was just something her family did as tradition . Benjamin didn't have a family but Brittany was his family and they were each others soulmates . Together they were a power couple & nobody could come between that love they had for each other .

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