Jack/ Sick

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(Jack's POV)
My girlfriend Keira texted me early this morning saying that she was sick so I called the boys and told them I wasn't going to be at the studio today. I got dressed and headed to the store to gets some things for her. After getting everything I was getting and headed to her house to be with her all day. I pulled up into the driveway of her house and grab the bag out of the passenger seat and headed inside.
(Keira's POV)
I was laying on my bed when I heard the front door open. I look at my door and see Jack walk in with a bag. Jack sits down on my bed and dumps the bag on my bed. "I got you a few things to help you get better" Jack said spreading out everything so I could see what he got. I smile at him. I move the stuff over and Jack gets under the covers and pulls me close. I turn on the tv and got to Netflix. I turn on Perks of Being a Wallflower. Jack got up real quick to close my bedroom door and turn off the lights and he crawled back into bed next to me and pulled me close to him again.
(Jack's POV)
Keira and I have been watching the movie for awhile as she slowly started to fall asleep. I turn the tv off and lay down more and pull Keira closer to my chest as she falls asleep. I fall asleep holding her tightly the whole night.

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