Daniel/ I love you

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(Alyssa's POV)
I was laying on my bed listening to my boyfriend Daniel and his bandmates new album while scrolling through Instagram. I wasn't paying much attention to anything until in the corner of my eye I saw my door open. I put my phone to see Daniel close the door and walk over to the bed. I climbs onto the bed and wraps his arms around me laying his head on my stomach. "Hey baby," I say while running my fingers through his hair. Daniel grips his arms around me tighter and looks up at me. "What's wrong baby?" I asked. "Nothing it's just been a long day and I'm tired that's all baby," he said.

(Daniel's POV)
Since I was so tired I started to fall asleep while cuddling with Alyssa. The feeling of her fingers in my hair was making me fall asleep faster. I closed my eyes and laid there on Alyssa's stomach.

(Alyssa's POV)
Daniel was falling asleep so I pulled up so his head in the crook of my neck. "I love you," I said while kissing his forehead. I leaned my head onto his and fell asleep.

(Alyssa's moms POV)
I walked upstairs to tell Daniel and Alyssa that dinner was done. I knocked on the door before entering the room. When I walked in I saw Daniel and Alyssa asleep. I smiled turning off the lights and walked back downstairs.

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