Corbyn/ Getting Ready For Christmas

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(Carlie's POV)
I was at my house getting the Christmas stuff out when the door opened. "Baby I'm here to help" I hear a voice say. It was my boyfriend Corbyn. "I'm in the living room" I say. He walks into the living room and wraps his arms around my waist. I turn around to see a very handsome guy staring down at me. I get on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek. I turn back around and before I could turn on the Christmas music I get turned back around. "Excuse me beautiful lady but that's not the right way to kiss me" he says looking at me holding my hands at my sides. I laugh and get back on my tippy toes and kiss his soft warm lips. He smiles and hugs me. We pull away from each other and I turn back around to turn some Christmas music on. Kiss You This Christmas came on the tv. I turn to Corbyn to see if he noticed but he didn't. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. I pulled him over to the open area in my house and started dancing with him.
(Corbyn's POV)
Carlie started dancing with me out of nowhere until it clicked that mine and the boys song was playing on the tv. I tapped the back of Carlie's thigh and she jumped up catching her. She wraps her arms and legs around me and lays her head on my shoulder. I started to sway back and forth while I sang the song to her. She lifted her head and looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes. I smile causing her to smile. I don't want this moment to ever end because I was holding the most beautiful girl in the world. Sadly the song ends. I hold Carlie for a few more minutes before putting her back down so we could finish putting up the Christmas decorations. Carlie was putting the tree up when she got to the top part and couldn't reach. I walk over to her placing my hands on her waist to pick her up. After she puts the top of the tree on I put her back down so she could grab the star. I pick her back up putting her on my shoulders. She puts the star on the top of the tree and then looks down at me. I look up at her as she leans down to kiss me.
(Carlie's POV)
Corbyn puts me down from being on his shoulders and we start to put the lights on the tree. I get the lower part of the tree and then I hand Corbyn the rest of the lights to get the upper part of the tree. I grab the ornaments and start to put them on the tree until I get to the ornament that has a picture of mine and Corbyn's first Christmas together. I walk to Corbyn who is putting the wreath on the front door. I look at him as he looks down at me. I hand him the ornament and he grabs my hand and we walk back inside. We get over to the Christmas tree and we both put the ornament on together. I smile as he smiled at me.

// time skip//

(Corbyn's POV)
Carlie and I are done putting the Christmas decorations up and we sit down on the couch. We look at everything we did and smile. I go to Netflix on the tv and turn on Polar Express. "My favorite movie" Carlie says looking at me smiling. She lays down with her head on my lap and watch's the movie while I run my fingers through her hair. I cover her up with the blanket that was on the back of the couch. "Hey you want some hot chocolate baby" I ask looking at her. She nods her head sitting up so I could get up. I make us a cup of hot chocolate and bring them to the living room. Carlie drinks hers really quick. She lays back down on my lap and continues watching the movie. I finish my hot chocolate not long after her. I continue to run my fingers through her hair as she starts to fall asleep on my lap.
(Carlie's POV)
I was slowly falling asleep from the wonderful feeling of Corbyn running his fingers through my hair. After 10 minutes everything went black.
(Corbyn's POV)
Carlie was asleep so I turned off the movie and picked her up gently bringing her to her room. I leave them room to turn off all the nights in the house. I walk back to Carlie's room and I close the door. I crawl into bed with Carlie and pull her close to my chest hugging her tight. I kiss her head and fall asleep.

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