Zach/ Late Night Schoolwork

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(Hope's POV)
It was a late night and I couldn't sleep. Zach has been passed out for awhile and I've just been sitting here staring at the wall. After awhile I decided to grab my computer and do some schoolwork. I logged in and started working on my English homework that was due the next morning. "Ugh English is stupid," I whispered.

//Time Skip//

I've been working on my English homework for hours and I looked at the time in the corner of the computer and it read 5:00 am. Zach rolls over and looks up at me with his sleepy eyes. "How long have you been up for baby?" Zach asked. "I've been up all night I couldn't sleep so I started doing my English homework because it's due today," I said looking down at him. I leaned down and kissed his head. He closes my computer and grabs it to put it on the floor. He pulls me closer to him. I put my head on his chest and he runs his fingers through my hair. I smile as I start to fall asleep.

(Zach's POV)
After Hope falls asleep I kiss her head and go back to bed. Before I knew it I was awoken by the light of the sun shining through the window. I look down at Hope and see her still sleeping. I run my fingers through her hair waking her up. "Good morning baby," I said. "Good morning," Hope said smiling looking up at me. I kiss her forehead before she got up. "What do you want to eat for breakfast?" I asked as she was getting on her computer to do her schoolwork. "Waffles!" she says excitedly.

//Time Skip//

I finished making food and brought it up to our room. I sat Hope's plate of food next to her on the nightstand. She looks up and smiles. I crawl into bed next to her and started eating my food. She sets her computer down next to her on the bed and grabs her food to eat.

(Hope's POV)
I grabbed the tv remote and went to Netflix and put on Mamma Mia. I look over to see Zach done with his food already and on his phone scrolling through my Instagram account. "What are you doing?" I asked smiling. "Admiring a beautiful person who I'm lucky to have in my life," he says smiling looking up at me. I put my plate down in the night stand and lay next to him laying my head on his chest. "Awww baby!" I say. He kisses my head and we watch the rest of the movie together cuddling.

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