Chapter 1.) Sakuna

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"If you wanna be my boy I'm gonna be with you forever  and more"

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"If you wanna be my boy
I'm gonna be with you forever  and more"

It was quite nice to see Megumi again since you were always going on missions with Maki and the other second years. "Sooo Megumi whatcha been doin' these past couple of days" you asked looking at the boy. "okay" he responded which you sighed at moving a strand of hair behind your ear.

You then bumped into the boys back. "Ow why the hell did you stop-oh" you said looking at the small shrine rubbing your nose. "Their leaving it in a place like this could they be anymore stupid" Megumi muttered opening the lock to the shrine.

"Hey do you need help looking for it?" you asked looking as he opened and closed the small shrine doors. A black bag loosely hanged on your shoulder that held your scythe.


"The shrine is empty" Megumi said into the phone. "For real that's hilarious maybe it took a night time stroll" Gojo joked.

"I'm going to punch you"

"Well no going home until it's recovered okay?" Gojo said and then hung up. "So we have to stay over night in hotel together all alone . You know Megumi that makes it sound like we're a couple" you said smirking.

"Not a chance"

"Wow your so rude! You didn't even hesitate!" You exclaimed as he then started walking out of the school premises.


You both walked over to crowd of students. A pink hair boy took the metal ball in his hand looking back at his teacher in conformation. He then turned away from the teacher throwing the ball. It landed on the side of the goal making a dent in the goal.

"Wow he's really cute" you muttered looking at the boy. The boy then grabbed his backpack up and ran past both of you. You both could feel the immense prescience of a curse object come off of him.

"Hey wait" Megumi exclaimed looking at the boy run down the steps.


"Yuuji Itadori" Megumi said as Itadori and the nurse looked over to the two of you. "I'm Fushiguro from jujutsu tech and this is (Y/n) Nanami my classmate. We'd like to have a word with you" he said Itadori nodded walking over to the two of you.

"The cursed object you have I need you to hand it over" Megumi said. "Cursed object?" Itadori questioned. Megumi then brought out his phone showing a picture of the finger wrapped up in talisman and out of the wooden box.

"Oh yeah that I found that. I didn't think much of it but my friends were totally into it. What's dangerous about it?" Itadori said leaning on the couch. "Every year there are more than ten thousand unexplained deaths and most of those are caused by curses. The object you found is classified as a special grade cursed object you should hand it over before people start dying." Megumi explained to the boy in front of both of you.

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