.00 Prologue

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The redhead sits up in the bed gasping for air, sweat drips down her forehead, her flaming red hair tangled in a knot on top of her slim face. Her emerald-like eyes darting around the room as if waiting for someone to jump out at her.

Realising it was just a nightmare she lets out a sigh of relief. Flopping back onto her bed as her eyes fill with tears from the memories of that night, the nightmares aren't common, usually, her dreams are filled with visions of a boy with the most enchanting hazel eyes and long shaggy hair that looks so soft she craves to run her finger through it.

But not tonight, no, tonight her dreams were filled with crimson blood and the sounds of her mothers scream as she tries to save her little girl.

Letting out another sigh, she sits back up, wiping the sweat from her forehead and upper lip, she reaches a shaking hand over to her nightstand and opens the top drawer pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper.

Closing the drawer, the redhead lies back down under her lavender duvet unfolding the piece of paper to reveal a sketch she had done a long time ago.

It had taken a whole week just to get his hair drawn perfectly and nearly another three weeks to finish the sketch and then add colour, but it was one of her favourite drawings of him out of the many she has done.

Each strand of his long, shaggy brown hair that she adores, his bright beaming smile, and his captivating hazel eyes that, in her dreams, she has noticed look almost like liquid gold in certain lighting.

She smiles as she looks at the picture, feeling herself calm down just from the mere sight of the boy she has had dreams of for as long as she can remember.

Once her racing hearth starts calming and her hands stop their shaking the girl places the drawing down on top of her nightstand letting out a deep sigh as she closes her eyes, knowing she won't get any more sleep that night but trying to anyway.

☆。・:*:・゚★, 。・:*:・゚☆

🎨🖌✏♩✧♪●♩○♬☆。・:*:・゚★, 。・:*:・゚☆

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The brunette boy walks down the street kicking a rock as he goes, his handsome face pulled into an angry scowl. He had just had another augment with his mother. He just can't understand why she can't see that music, his band mean almost everything to him.

He has spent the last few years of his life putting everything he has into the band, but his mother just can't see that all he wants is support from his parents, for them to see just how much his music means to him.

He looks up to the night sky with tears in his hazel eyes, admiring the stars out that night, he always liked looking at the stars, their ethereal beauty captivated him in a way he never thought possible, the way they shine reminds him of something he's only seen in his dreams.

A girl with flaming red hair and sparkling green eyes, whenever he thinks about her, he can't help but smile, he doesn't even know her name and yet he swears he would do anything just to see her smile.

Letting out a sigh he closes his eyes imagining her pink lips pulled back into a bright smile, as her emerald eyes sparkle as she gazes upon him. He would do anything to know her, to know why he has these dreams of her or why just thinking about her brings a smile to his face and eases the anger and hurt he feels from arguing with his mother.

Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he turns around and heads back home, feeling much calmer now after thinking about the girl of his dreams.


So the ending there was a bit rushed but it's just because I want to get this up tonight, I'm exhausted so I won't be posting the first full chapter tonight but it should hopefully be up tomorrow or the next day

Anyway hope you enjoy this story, I'm a bit nervous about posting it, but sure it's something to pass the time during this bullshit that is the coronavirus 😂

Let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote if u enjoy the story ❤❤❤

Word Count: 748

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