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^^ Caoimhe's school outfit and her necklace ^^



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School. A place most teenagers dread.

A place that just the thought of it gives you that horrible pit in your stomach that makes you feel like your going to puke.

For some its the worst place on earth, and for Caoimhe McCarthy that couldn't be more true as she walks down the dreaded hallways searching for her younger sister and their best friend.

She always hated walking down the corridors on her own, always feeling like people were staring and whispering about her. She never used to feel like this, it all started about four years ago.

One of her classmate's parents had heard what happened to her mother and had told their child to be careful of her, which then got around to the rest of the school, no one wanted their child to befriend the daughter of a murderer, and ever since then people would constantly stare and whisper at the redheaded girl whenever they see her.

Finally reaching her younger sisters locker Caoimhe lets out a sigh, leaning against it as she watches all the people around her mess around with their friends as they get the books they'll need for their next few classes.

A few seconds later she catches a glimpse of her sister walking towards her among the crowded hallway, the curly-haired girl keeps her head down as she makes her way down the hallway towards her locker, clutching her books to her chest.

Julie looks up as she reaches her destination, her face lighting up at the sight of the older girl standing there waiting for her, she sends her a small smile as the junior moves out of her way for her to open her locker.

"Hey, you doing ok?" The brunette asks, frowning as she looks at the older girl, noticing the dark bags under her eyes.

Sighing, Caoimhe gives Julie a playful glare.

"I'm fine. Just didn't get the best sleep last night" Caoimhe replies trying to ease her sister's worry. She always hated it when people were worried about her, not because she didn't appreciate it but because she didn't think they should waste their time worrying about her when they most likely have their own problems.

Although Caoimhe can't say much since all she does is worry about those around her.

Julie gives at her an exasperated look "I told you to wake me whenever you have a nightmare"

Caoimhe shrugs as she fiddle's with her necklace, her gaze falling to the ground as she replies "I know, but I feel bad" Caoimhe looks up and meets Julie's gaze with a mischievous smile "You look so peaceful, snoring and all"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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