21 - Face Off

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Author's Note : Trigger warning for self-harm in the last scene. Thank you to the reader who pointed this out ❤️

3rd Party POV

Pam sat at a shady looking bar, drinking cheap liquor and cursing loudly at passers-by who threw her strange looks.

She was dishevelled and drunk, her once-smart clothes dirty and stained, her nails chipped, and shoes scuffed.

She was down to her last few dollars, after the friend she had imposed herself on had finally thrown her out with a curt note on her bag placed outside the door. Pam had scratched and kicked the door, screaming in rage until the apartment guards hauled her out of the premises.

For the last two days, she had been wandering around, spending nights at bus stations and using public toilets to clean up. She had nowhere to go, and was at the end of her rope mentally.

"Can I buy you a proper drink?" said a deep voice.

Pam looked up with bleary eyes. A ruggedly handsome man sat before her. His smile held a very familiar tilt. She recognized it as the one she often saw in her own reflection. He was walking on the razor-edge of sanity too.

"Only if we get out of this depressing joint" she said, smirking at him. He nodded and slapped some money on the table before he stood up.

Pam staggered upright. "What's your name?" she slurred.



Mil watched with hooded eyes, his fingers clenching into fists, his breath coming in fast. His face contorted in hatred.

His nemesis, Chairman Raksapong, was sauntering around the mall with his wheelchair-bound mother and the architect's child. Two guards walked ahead of them and two more followed discreetly at a distance.

He hoped the woman would do her part. She was unstable but cunning, much like himself.

He followed them carefully, a cap pulled low to shade his face, walking with a slight hunch to disguise his features. When he saw that they were close to a corner, he walked quickly to a large Christmas ornaments display and pushed it heavily.

It fell with a loud crash, glass shattering everywhere, splinters flying. Everyone turned to look at the commotion. Mil walked away rapidly in the opposite direction and blended into the crowd.

He smiled with satisfaction when he heard his nemesis's mother scream.

"Win's gone"


"Mommy, where are you taking me?" said Win, confused and frightened.

His mother had appeared before him all of a sudden and swooped him into her arms. She smiled and cooed at him, and ducked around the corner into a staff store room. Win had his hands wrapped tightly around her neck, first in delight, then in growing fear.

She quickly changed Win's clothes and strapped him into a stroller. She covered it with a shawl so that Win was not visible. She pushed the stroller out of the room and started to walk towards a nearby exit at a fast pace.

She saw guards moving to cover the exit, and everyone who wanted to go out was being checked at the doors.

She turned around and walked away in another direction, towards the elevators to the parking garage. She punched the button impatiently.

"Mommy, stop. I don't want to go with you" cried Win. Pam looked around in a panic, hoping no one had heard him.

"Stop right there, Ma'am. No one can go out right now. A child is missing and we need to conduct a search", said a guard, spotting her.

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