Chapter one

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Draco Malfoy is a Slytherin young man, who's all life is about blood-purity.
Hermione Granger is a young lady from Gryffindor, who's both parents are muggles.
Sounds like a disaster huh? Well, it is.


"Good Morning boys" Hermione Granger said while walking down the girls stairs, heading towards her two best friends, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.
"Good Morning 'Mione" they replied as one.
Harry was staring at the fire-place, Ron was reading a book about Quidditch.
"You're reading Ronald, that's a new thing" She said and Harry laughed, "I wanna try to play on the team this year" he said, his eyes still on the book. "Well that's wonderful," Hermione said, "And the fact that the captain of the team sits right here, I don't think it's going to be a problem" she added, Harry smiled awkwardly. Harry loved Ron with all his heart, he saw him like a brother, a real brother. But he also didn't want that to come over his judgement, he's the captain now and he can't just let people on the team because he loves them, right? Harry wished that Ron's performance in Quidditch would be as good as his passion about it.
"Anyways, breakfast?" Harry said trying to change the subject, "Of course" Ron said and closed his book. "It's always the food in the end, it always wins" Hermione said and giggled.
"I am a man of two women, my future girlfriend- whoever she is, and food, and if she won't accept this, just food." He said and all three of them laughed.

They headed towards the Gryffindor table, but they stopped when they heard a whisper.
"Hey Weasel, did you even try to fix your hair when you got out of bed?"
Draco Malfoy laughed at his own words, Vincent Crabbe and Gergory Goyle with him.
"Shut up Malfoy" Hermioen replied. "Are you talking to me? you filthy little--" "That's enough Mr. Malfoy. Potter, Granger, Weasley, go sit down, the feast is about to begin" Professor Mcgonagall came, just in time, before Draco Malfoy was about to call Hermione Granger the worst name he could've."This arrogant prat" said Hermione, stuffing her plate with some cheese. "I can't stand him really, five years are more than enough." Harry said, pouring water into his and Hermione's caps. "Thank you," she said, "Ronald are you okay?" she asked, Ron was staring into his glass, trying to fix his hair. "Don't let his words get to you Ronald, that's what he wants." Hermioen said, "Besides, I think your hair is adorable" She added. "Oh so now I'm adorable" he said, frowning, "Shut up" Harry said and smirked.
Hermione looked back, towards the Slytherin table, her eyes met a pair of stone-grey eyes, and after a few seconds, she turned back.

"I'm headed to a quidditch practice, wanna join Ron? I'll ask Mcgonagall for a free pass for you, so you could practice a bit before the tests." Harry said. "Really Harry? of course i'll come." Ron said excitedly. "So you're leaving me alone with Slughorn? Very nice."
Hermione grinned. "Hey that's now true, you have Malfoy with you" Ron said and both him and Harry burst with laughter. "Very funny," she replied, "you'll be late, go ahead".

Hermione got into potions class, she sat alone in her table, without Ron or Harry by her side.
"Good morning class," Said professor Slughorn with a smile.
"Today we're making Amortentia, can someone tell me what it is?" professor Slughorn asked.
Hermione immediately raised her hand, obviously, this girl knew everything.
"Yes Miss Granger" Said Slughorn, allowing her to speak.
"It's the most powerful love potion in the world," she said, "It also smells like the thing you desire the most." She finished.
"Excellent Miss Granger, five points for Gryffindor." she smiled, on the other side of the class, Draco Malfoy's smile faded. "Five points for Gryffindor" he thought with hatred, "Of course she knows it, this girl knows everything."

"Now, you need to pair up, so go find yourself a partner" This words from professor Slughorn worried Hermione, for two reasons; the first one was the fact that she hated to work in pairs, she was better alone. And the second one was that even if she was working in pairs, Harry and Ron both aren't here, so she has no one to work with.
Unluckily for the both of them Draco Malfoy didn't have a partner either.
"Excuse me professor, I don't have a partner" Hermione said.
"Well.." Slughorn said and looked all over the class, until he spotted Draco Malfoy, sitting alone, "I see that Mr. Malfoy doesn't have a partner either," He said, "So you two pair up."
Unwillingly, Draco got up and headed toward Hermione's table, he sat as far from her as possible, and looked the other way.
"Very mature," she said, opening her potions book. "Why do you even need to make this potion, Weasley loves you anyway." he said with disrespect. "First of all, Ronald doesnt love me. Second of all, leave him out of this and third of all, I'm not making this to myself, you know, this is our assessment." she said. "Merlin it was a complement Granger", "How on earth this is a complement?" "Never-mind, let's make this stupid potion." he said, finally looking at her. "Aren't you a little curious about the smell?" Hermione asked him while he smashed a black rose. "Nope," he said, "I already know what i'll smell." he said. "you do?"
"Yes, nothing." he said, pouring the smashed rose into a coludren. "Of course, what was I thinking." Hermione said and rolled her eyes. "You would probably smell Weasley" he said.
"Would you drop it already? there is nothing between me and Ronald!" she yelled.
"Miss Granger, is everything okay?" Slughorn said, Draco grinned.
"Yes Professor." she said, "shut up" she mouthed towards Draco.

"Done." Draco said while pouring pink liquid into the cauldron.
"What do you smell?" Draco asked, "I thought you knew already" she said mockingly.
"I just want to prove myself right, for the first time I'll be smarter than you Granger, can you handle it?" she got closer to the cloudren and tried to smell. "I smell mint, green apples and the borrow." she said. "The borrow huh? told ya" he said, ignoring the first two things.
"Now it's your turn" she said, turning over to him. "Fine, but I won't smell anything." he said.
He got closer to the coludren, glancing towards Hermione and quickly back to the colduren, a light brown smoke was shown. Draco's heart skipped a bit. "I don't-- I don't smell anything"
He said walking back from the colduren like it was poison.
"I don't believe you," she said "but if you want to keep playing the cold-hearted-guy, go ahead, I won't stop you". she continued.
"Do you think i'm playing Granger? why? Because I was nice to you this lesson? it's called being polite, and I wouldn't want to make a scene here. you're still a mu--"
He stopped for some reason. "A what?" Hermione asked, waiting for him to say it, but instead, he said; "A muggle-born", he didn't say "a mudblood", he said "a muggle-born", Hermione smiled lightly, it was a beginning.

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