Chapter seven

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"Are you okay?" Hermione woke up to the sound of two of her best friends, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. "We came looking for you yesterday to ask how was your 'date', but you were asleep, sooooo how was it?" Ginny asked excitedly. Hermione started to tear up, "What's going on 'Mione? I swear if he hurt you--" Harry stated but Ginny stopped him.
"So last night we were in the Astronomy tower, and everything was amazing, we talked, we laughed.. We even kind-of confessed our feelings for each-other" she said.

"Amazing!" Ginny yelled, but Harry noticed there was something wrong. "And then..?" Harry asked. "Then I asked him about how he asked a muggle-born out after all of his life he hated us." she signed, "and what did he say?" Ginny asked, "he said i'm not like other muggle-borns and that if he wouldn't know me he wouldn't think i'm a muggle-born" she said, "oh no he didn't", Ginny replied, "what? it is kinda nice isn't it?" Harry asked, confused.
"Well, you see.. I wanted him to stop thinking about muggle-borns as less-good than him, I didn't want him to think of me as the 'better muggle-born', I wanted him to drop his beliefs about pure-blood supremacy." she sighed again.
"I'm sorry 'Mione," Harry said.
"You can find someone so much better than him," Ginny said, Harry nodded as agreement.
"Lets go get some breakfast, I'm starving" Hermione said, changing the subject.
"I'll meet you down in ten minuts," she said, "yes sir!" they both said and laughed.

It's been a few days since Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley's fights, they didn't talk with each-other. He was mad at her, for kissing Draco Malfoy, and she was mad at him, for talking to her like he did.
She was thinking this morning about what he said, "maybe he was right?" she thought to her-self, but quickly let those thoughts fade away.

Harry and Hermione headed to Potions class.
When they got into the classroom, Hermione couldn't help noticing that Draco's seat was empty. She looked at it for a second, and then looked away.
"So, today will be practicing on a potions we already did" Professor Slughorn said,
"Miss Granger, if I recall, Mr. Potter wasn't in the lesson when we made Amortetia was he?"
He asked, "No, I wasn't, Professor, I had a quidd--", "it doesn't matter. Miss Granger, if you will help him to make his potion right, you'll gain your house ten points." he said smiling.
"No problem Professor" she said and smiled back, opening her potions book.

Harry looked at Hermione's potions books, "What do I have to do?" Harry asked, "Go bring me a black rose, and that pink liquid there, I'll bring the rest." she said, barely glancing up from her book. "Yes of course." he said and went to the ingredients caven.
When Harry got back, Hermione immediately took the rose and smashed it, flashbacks from the last time she did it got into her head, but like earlier, she let those thoughts fade away.

"Done," Hermione said. "You barely let me do anything 'Mione" he replied, "ok ok I'm sorry. You first, I already smelled it.." she said and looked down, Harry got closer to the cauldron.
"I smell; broomsticks wax, fall and.. Mrs. Weasley's Fudge." he grinned, both of them laughed. "Come-on 'Mione, it's your turn." Harry said, "I already smelled mine," she said, "And I don't want to do it again." she continued. "Please 'Mione, for me? maybe it changed.."
Harry begged, "fine fine, but only because you're so adorable." She replied and got closer to the cauldron. "I smell.. Mint, Green Apples and.. huh" she smiled with sadness, "Expensive cologne" she finished. "Expensive cologne huh? I see we got Ron off the list" he laughed, "This isn't nice" she laughed, both of them ignored the fact that she obviously smelled Darco Malfoy.

Harry, Hermione and Ginny sat in the court-yard when Ron approached.
"Listen, Hermione.." he scratched the back of his neck,
"Yes Ronald?" she asked.
"Why aren't you with Malfoy?" he asked, rolling his eyes, tears started to fill her's. Harry tried to tell him to shut up, and Ron, the idiot he is, continued talking.
"Did you two broke up or something? why?" she didn't say a word.
"So I was right then," he said, "Yes" she replied quietly.
"What?" he asked.
"Fine Ronald you were right!!" she yelled, "I was a fool to fall in love with Draco Malfoy, cause how could a pure-blood love a mudblood like me!" she yelled, all eyes were on her.
"Wait, fall in love?" Ginny looked at her, "What? did I say in love?" she asked.
Hermione looked around the courtyard, part of the students there were laughing, almost all of them were Slytherins, some felt sorry for her, you could see that in their eyes, and some just stared awkwardly, without knowing how to respond.
Hermione didn't care, she searched with her eyes the only person that was important, Draco,
She found him, he looked sad, disappointed in himself. His eyes one again met her's, but this time, instead of the nice storm inside her, she felt another kind of a storm, one that tore her chest apart, because looking at him hurt her, more than she thought it would.

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