Chapter two

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"Hey 'Mione," Harry said after spotting her in the courtyard.
"Harry, Ronald, you're back." she said, glancing up from her book.
"How was potions?" Ron asked. "I rather not talk about it" she grinned, the boys looked confused.
"So another topic" Harry said, taking Hermione's book from her.
"Hey! I was reading" she said, trying to take the book back but Harry was taller, she jumped up but couldn't catch it, they laughed.
"You're always reading." he said. "Anyways, I asked Ginny to the Christmas party." he said.
"You WHAT?" Hermione and Ron answered as one.
"Be careful with her Harry, I worn you." Ron said, trying to be intimidated and Hermione couldn't help herself and let a giggle slip, Ron rolled his eyes. "She needs to be careful with him," Hermione said, "He's such a soft little boy." Hermione said and smirked. "Yeah? well that little boy defeated the most dark wizard of all times last year." he said, "and he keeps on bringing it up". "Maybe I'll bring you up" he said and before she could react he threw her on his shoulder, spinning her around. "Besides, what would you do if you defeated him?" "Well first of all, I kinda did, you couldn't do it without me, and second of all, I would've written a book about it." she said, smiling proudly, "Of course you would" they both said as one and Ron put his hand on her. Hermione glanced towards her left, from a distance, she saw his stone-grey eyes again, he was not happy.

"So Ronald, who are you taking?" Hermione asked. "Lavender Brown, actually she asked me, so why not." he said and smiled. "Oh, thats.. nice" she said.
"Who takes you?" Ron asked. "No one I guess." she said and looked down.
"No one asked you? I doubt that" Ron said, smiling awkwardly. "McLaggen asked me, but I rejected him." she said casually. "Good thing, he's an ass." Ron said, which made Hermione a bit angry. "Then again she could take someone worse, like.. Malfoy" said Harry, the name made her shiver, she looked to her left again, when she saw him earlier, he was still there, with Pansy Parkinson, he looked at Hermione for a second and then glanced away from Hermione's brown eyes, to Pansy's black ones. "Yeah.." Hermione said and scratched the back of her neck, "Malfoy would have been worse." she didn't believe her own words, and it drove her crazy. Why doesn't she think that he's worse?

"Don't worry 'Mione, I'm sure someone will ask you" Ron said, which made her more upset than she already was, she realized. She wanted to go with Ron.
"I have to go," she said and rushed into the castle, towards the prefect's bathroom.
She ran to the sinks and washed her full-of-tears-face, "Get over yourself Hermione Granger" she said to herself, but a voice entered her thoughts.
"Is there someone on there?" she recognized the cold voice. She saw his reflection behind her in the mirror, "oh, it's just you Granger" he said, lowering his wand.
"Are you crying?" he said warmligly, she turned away.
"Why?" he simply asked. "Why do you care, Malfoy?" she said rudlighly. "Never-mind I won't ask you again" he said with a look of anger on his face. "I'm sorry i was just upset.. its ron.. he takes Lavender Brown to the Christmas party." she signed and tears started falling from her eyes once more. "So you do like Weasley." he said, smirking, it made her smile too.
"Does it matter? It's not like he likes me back" she said. "Why? because he takes Lavender to the party?" he grinned, "it's just a party Granger, it doesn't mean anything." he said.
"What's got into you? why are you so.. nice?" she asked and he smirked, "I don't know, but enjoy it while it lasts." he said, making her giggle.
"Anyways, I have a solution to your red-hair problem." he said.
"I'm going to ask this once, and that's it. Would you like to go to the ball with me?"
Her eyes widen, why does he want to go with her?
"You? Draco Malfoy, will go with me? the muggle-born Hermione Granger? why would you take me?" she asked.
"I'll take any pretty girl" he said and she blushed a bit, does he think she's pretty?
"And besides, you need to make Weasley jealous, and what will be better than to take me?"
He had a point, Ron would freak out if hell see Hermione with him.
"And I would enjoy getting on Weasley's and Potter's nerves." he added.
"Of course you will." she signed, he rolled his eyes.
"Do you accept or deny?" he said, smirking. "Let's do it," she said, "but you need to be very good, he needs to be jealous, noy annoyed." she said, "Trust me," he said,  "I can make him jealous" he said in a very confident voice, Hermione didn't argue, because she knew it was true.
From that moment on, Hermione had a date to the ball, although she never in a million year thought for a minute it would be Draco Malfoy.

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