Chapter six

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After that, Ron stormed out of the great hall, but they didn't care. They both were tired and got back to their dorms, amazed by the great night they had.

It was a saturday, so Hermione let herself sleep 'till noon- which wasn't really her thing, but she was so exhausted from the night before.

"Good morning sleepy-head" Ginny said and woke Hermione up.
"Good morning" she said while rubbing her eyes, "What time is it?" she added.
"It's three PM" Ginny replied, "WHAT?" Hermione panicked, it's not like her.
"Yes, you slept like a baby. But it doesn't matter now does it, the thing that matters now is how was your night with Draco Malfoy."
"Ah, yeah, that.." she said, still not fully awake.
"I just want you to know that I don't mind. I mean yeah- he's an ass, but you're the smartest girl I know and I'm sure you know what you're doing" Ginny said supportively,
though for the first time in her life, Hermione Granger has no idea what she's doing.
"Yeah.. so; Professor Slughorn paired us up when Harry and Ron were on a quidditch practice and he was nicer than usual.." she said.
"Continue" Ginny smiled. "Then I found out Ron invited Lavender and I was kinda sad idk why." she continued. "Because you like him." Ginny said casually. "Liked, maybe. Anyway he saw me crying and he was super sweet and asked me to go to the ball with him and I agreed and that's it." Hermione finished. "No it's not it, you danced with my brother and then Malfoy punched him, there must be an explanation." Ginny said. "Oh yeah that. So basically Ron was mean to me and Draco stood up for me that's all." she said.
"Can I ask you one more question?" Ginny asked, "Go ahead." Hermione answered.
"What made you go with him, I mean, you hated him." she said. "I did, didn't i?" Hermione said it felt like a lot of time had passed since she hated him, but it was just a week.
"I don't know I guess he changed.. he's just nicer and so sweet." Hermione said.
"That doesn't sound like Draco Malfoy at all." she said giggling, "it really doesn't." Hermione replied.
"SO, are you two a thing now?" Ginny asked.
"I don't know actually." Hermione replied.
"Ok so that leads me to the thing I wanted to say" Ginny said,
"Spill it out Gin" Hermione said.
"Well, this morning at breakfast Draco was looking for you, and when he couldn't find you, he gave me this to give to you." she pulled out her pocket a piece of parchment.
"And being the good friend that I am, I obviously read it,"
"Obviously" Hermione repeated, "long-story-short, he wants to meet you in the Astronomy tower in.." Ginny checked her watch, "half an hour." she said.
"Half an hour??? i'll never be on time." Hermione said.
"Being the good friend that I am, as we established before, I already arranged an outfit for you so go change." she smiled, it was like a scene from "Coming-Of-Age" movies, Hermione changed her outfits, the girls tried to do her hair and successfully pulled something up, they laughed like they have no care in the world.
"You have ten minuts 'Mione, go." Ginny said and Hermione left her dorm.

"Mione wait a second," Hermione turned around, Harry was there.
"Harry I need to be someone else." she said.
"Just wait a second!" Harry said.
"Okay okay, but I'm really in a hurry," she said.
"I just wanted to say that although I don't exactly like Malfoy, if he makes you happy, I'm fine with that" he said smiling. Hermione smiled at Harry, a single tear falling down her cheek. "Thank you" she said and hugged him. "Ron on the other hand.." Harry said, "I don't care about Ronald right now, I need to go, Harry, thank you again," she said and left the common room.

Hermione headed towards the Astronomy tower with a smile from ear to ear.
"You're late Granger" Draco said with a serious tone, looking at a clock, "Sorry" she said shyly, "I was just messing with you, dont worry about it." he smiled.
they both sat down on a little bench on the top of the tower.
They talked for hours, about everything.
"You were Krum's or Harry's?" he asked, "Krum, how embarrassing" they both laughed.
"I still can't believe you almost died in second year" He said, "I almost died in every-year, but as I recall in the second year it was your father's fault." she said teasingly, he laughed awkwardly.

"I guess you didn't bring me here to talk about the past five years havent you?" Hermione asked, a serious look on her face.
"No, I haven't," he said,"though I liked the conversation." he added.
"Well I wanted to know.. what did you think of our kiss" he said awkwardly. Hermione's eyes widened, she realized that she liked him, Draco Malfoy, and very much.
"Do you mean- did I like it? or like- Did it mean something?" she asked.
"Both I guess" he replied.
"Well the kiss was amazing.. and if it means something to me.. well yes, but i didn't realize it until now" she said nervously, he looked at her eyes, this storm again, Grey against Brown, like a battle of the clouds with the earth.. and so.. appealing. He smiled.
"Why do you smile like that?" she asked nervously. "Nothing, I just hoped that you'd say this" he said and leaned into a kiss, but she stopped him.
"Wait," she said, "come-on Granger you drive me crazy." he said. "I need to know one thing," she said, "Anything." he replied. "Why do you even like me, I'm just a muggle-born and you are.. well your whole life you believed in blood purity and how important your blood status is, what changed?" she asked, hoping to get the right answer.
"You're not like the other muggle-borns," he said. Wrong.
"What do you mean?" she asked, "I mean if I didn't know you i wouldn't think you're a muggle-born" he said. Wrong again.
"I can't believe it," she said. "What? what did I say?"
"I really thought you've changed," she said, looking away.
"What do you mean Granger?" he asked.
"I don't want you to date me because I'm 'not like the other muggle-borns', I thought you left these beliefs behind you." she said, now wiping a tear away. "That's not what I meant" he said and held her hand, "I think it's exactly what you meant" she said, getting his hand off of her, she started to walk away. "Wait Hermione!" he yelled, it was the first time he ever called her by her first name, "Goodbye Draco" she said, and it was the first time she called him by his.

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