Chapter three

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The ball is approaching, and Hermione Granger still didn't tell her two best friends about her date, she didn't know how they'll react, because her date was no other than Draco Malfoy.

"I am this close to killing Snape" Harry said while the three of them walked out of the defense against the dark art classroom.
"What now?" Hermione asked, annoyed, "Nothing, he just bothers the hell out of me." Harry said, causing Ron to laugh and Hermione to roll her eyes.
The next lesson they have is potions, the three of them headed to the potions classroom.

"Good morning students," said professor Slughorn while walking into the class, "today youll need to pair up, we're making Polyjuice potion today" he said.
"Piece of cake, we made this in second year" Harry said, looking at Ron and Hermione.
"Professor, can we work in groups of three?" Hermione raised her hand. "Actually Miss Granger, I'd like you to work with Mr, Malfoy again, you two make a good pair."
Draco glanced up, Harry and Ron looked at each other confused, then at Hermione; "Again?" they asked as one, she didn't reply, she gathered her books and got up, then sat next to Draco Malfoy.

"Oh, Granger," he said, looking up to her, "I guess we're partners again" he said with a smirk on his face. "I guess we are." she replied and sat down. start to gather things without even opening her book. "How do you know all of this? you didn't even open your book." he asked.
"Don't be mad at me," she replied, "i'll try," he said. "In second year when the chamber of secrets got open we thought it was you." she said, "obviously, continue." he replied. "So I made a Polyjuice potion.. Harry and Ron became Goyle and Crabbe and we.. investigated you.." she said. "YOU WHAT?" he yelled. "Mr, Malfoy, please" professor Slughorn said.
"Erm- sorry" he said and got back to Hermione. "Remember when Goyle was wearing glasses and you asked him why? it was Harry" Hermione said, waiting for him to respond, but he just laughed. "You-- you're laughing." Hermione said. "You're brilliant, Polyjuice potion in second year.." she was shocked. "Aren't you.. angry?" she asked, "angry? come-on Granger it was four years ago, and it's not like i told them something with value." he said.

"Ronald is staring at us," Hermione said. "Is that so?" Draco said and leaned closer.
"What are you doing?" she whispered, "you wanted to make him jealous weren't you?"
He leaned even closer, he stood behind her, breathing on her neck, he took her hand and helped her cut some beans. A sign was heard from the end of the class, that's all he needed, he slowly got back to his place next to her with a smile, Hermione looked back and saw Ron looking at them with anger. Success. Yet she couldn't ignore how much she liked him being close, what's wrong with her?

"Look class, Miss Granger and Mr. Malfoy, did it! well done!" Professor Slughorm said, smiling, "such a lovely man" thought Hermione to herself, then again she liked almost all of the teachers, except Professor Snape and Professor Trelawany.

"Class dismissed" he said. Hermione gathered her books, took one more glance at Draco, and joined Harry and Ron on their way out.
"Hey! how was your lesson, I wish I was with you guys", she said.
"Are you sure? because it looked like you quite enjoyed working with Malfoy."
Ron said with disrespect, Harry kicked his leg.
"We were just working Ronald." she replied rather annoyed.
"It looked a lot more just saying" he said, rolling his eyes.
"Slughorn said you already work together." Harry said.
"Yes, he paired us up in the previous lesson, cause you two werent there."
"What did you do?" Harry asked.
"We made Amortentia" Hermione said.
"What yours smelled like?" Ron asked.
"Mint, Green apples and.. the borrow" Hermione replied nervously.
"Mint and Green apples.." Ron said, ignoring the last one.
"What did he smell?" Ron asked.
"Nothing," she simply answered, "Nothing?", "nothing."

The three got back to the Gryffindor common room and sat down on the couch.
"So, the ball is tomorrow 'Mione, did you find a date?" Harry asked.
"You can say that." she replied.
"Huh?" he asked confused, "You'll see." she said and got up to her room.

When she got into her room she saw a big blue box on her bed, with a little matching one next to it.
She opened the box and saw a beautiful silver ball gown dress. In the little box was a black necklace with an H made with diamonds. She picked up her dress and a note fell off.
"For tomorrow, you'll look stunning" written on it with a black ink, and in the down left corner, two letters, DM.

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