Chapter 1

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A/N: I just had this random idea. BTW, Annabeth is not nice and she's a lot more cunning and cruel. Just thought I'd warn you. This takes place in The Battle of Labyrinth, but I haven't read that book for quite a while. I'll try my best to get things right, so please help by telling me if I made a mistake. I also will be changing some plot items, you have been warned.

Did you hear... they say she blew up her last school... she's been to a lot of schools... she keeps getting kicked out... unexplainable things...

You sighed as you walked through the hallways of your high school. You'd been here almost the whole year, but people still gossiped about you. You hated this. Being fourteen, slightly dyslexic, having ADHD, wearing glasses, and this being your eighth school in eight years; trying to fit in was hard. Of course, your glasses weren't normal, but that just would have made you weirder if people knew. They were like a computer, helping you not get headaches when you read among other things. You had made them and had no idea how. You had found this shimmery metal on your work table along with blueprints. You assumed that you had made the blueprints in your sleep and you must have found that metal and forgotten that you had. And then there was a lovely fire issue...

You continued walking the hallways, keeping your head down but making sure not to run into anybody. You sidestepped to dodge a group of fake-looking girls when your e/c eyes locked with sea green ones. You froze, and then the warning bell rang. You were startled and quickly rushed to class, making it just before the late bell rang. You sighed in relief as you sat down at your desk at the back of the room. It was the last class of the day, and you had avoided detention, for now. As the teacher droned on, your mind wandered.

This class was usually your favourite as you were doing Greek Mythology in Literature and this was now the only class that you didn't have to try and stay awake in, but you just couldn't focus. It was almost the end of the school year and summer was almost upon you. You hated summer. You had to stay out of the house for almost the whole day, otherwise, your stepfather would get drunk and decide that hitting you was a great way to pass the time and show off his "manliness". You had once told your mom, but she could have honestly cared less. She was hardly home and hated you. According to her, she wasn't married to your dad. That also meant that, according to her, you were a mistake that should have never existed and that if it wasn't for you, your dad would have still been here.

"Miss L/N? Miss L/N!"

"Yes, ma'am?"

The teacher sighed, "The question was, why did Kronos eat his children?"

"He ate his children because he heard a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him and become King of the Universe. Of course, we all know that as soon as people try to stop prophecies, they just make them easier to come true."

"Um, right. Now, class, school ends next week and you all have your final project due tomorrow, which is Friday, and then we, along with every other class, will be watching a movie that relates to our subject. Class ends in five minutes, but I'm going to give you an early dismissal. Goodbye." The class stood up and gathered their things. You followed suit and once you had packed up at your locker, you stepped outside. As you started the long walk back to the apartment, you started fiddling, reaching into the bag on your belt to grab the most random of things to make... something.

You had found a bag on your desk a while back with a note that said "I'm proud of you". You had no idea who sent it, but the pouch was quite special. Almost everything you could ever need was in it. The bag also seemed to be weightless.

You were making something, but you weren't really paying attention to anything; you were just on autopilot. All of a sudden, you were grabbed when you were passing an alley. Instinctively, you willed a dagger to appear in your hands from one of the two rings on your fingers on each hand, another gift that came with the bag. As your dagger was about to stab whoever had grabbed you, a sword was at your throat and an arm was around your waist to keep you from running. You froze, not this again.

"Now, now, I think that you need to cool down just a little bit, Y/N. You know that I won't hurt you." Yeah right. The last time he visited you, you ended up with a cut on your arm and bruises on your neck that took so much concealer to cover up, even more than the ones from your stepfather. And last year, you exploded part of another school. On accident, of course, but he should not have pushed you that far.

"What do you want this time, Luke?" You hissed in annoyance.

"Oh come on, I just want to talk."

You struggled against his hold on your waist. "I told you to leave me alone!"

"But you're mine."

"What-no. No, I don't belong to anyone you bloody idiot. That makes no sense"

"The prophecy says so," His breath was warm against your ear. "I just wanted to try and convince you to join me again. Kronos would give you everything you could possibly want and more. We also need your help. I know how much you like to solve puzzles and there is a big one that we need your help to solve. We need your help to navigate the Labyrinth, I know that you have a clearer sight than most half-bloods."

You jabbed him in the ribs and his sword dipped from your neck long enough for you to spin out of his arms. Your dagger grew into a sword as you faced him. "I've told you before, don't call me that! Don't you remember what happened last time?" he lunged, trying to trap you against the wall again. You parried and counter-attacked. You had never had the proper training to fight, but dealing with Luke for over a year had given you the best training anyone needed. Luke was good, but you were getting better every time.

"Come on. I'm sorry. Can't we just talk about it?" He asked as you whirled, aiming for his sword arm. He parried as you responded.

"Don't act like this is just a spat, this is you annoying me one too many times again." Your swords clashed, ringing out in the empty alley. "This is you getting on my bad side."

"Please, can we just talk about this? I need your help with the maze."

As you were about to tell him no, you heard a shout. "Luke, you traitor!"

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