the distance

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It was hard for Kenma to be so far away from Kuroo. 

But they made it work, for the first few months. 

Every night, they would facetime, and Kuroo would usually complain about his classes, his teachers, being far away from Kenma. Kenma rarely responded, focusing more on Kuroo than anything else. He absorbed every bit of information spoken, he memorized Kuroo's features like they were the most important thing in the world. 

Of course, as time went on, they talked less, but Kenma wasn't surprised. He knew Kuroo was busy with classes and volleyball and other college things. 

But what Kenma didn't expect is how much Kuroo had changed.

It was subtle at first, so much so that Kenma didn't really notice. Or, if he had noticed, he didn't pay much attention to it. It was little things; Kuroo not answering facetimes, taking longer to respond to texts. But Kenma didn't mind it. 

He's in college, Kenma told himself, I'm not the only thing that's going to be on his mind right now. He's busy. 

As time went on, though, the changes were getting more drastic. More worrying

Kenma noticed how rushed the facetime calls began to feel. Some of them weren't even 10 minutes long before Kuroo said he had to go. 

There were times when Kuroo completely flaked on Kenma altogether. 

It was unbearable. Kenma constantly worried about what was wrong. Was he not good enough? Did he not show enough affection? 

Kenma kept searching and searching for answers from Kuroo, but to no avail. Every day, Kenma could feel himself drifting farther from Kuroo, and he didn't know what to do. He didn't have any idea what could be going on.

Until after he saw that goddamn picture. 

a soulmate who wasn't meant to be | kurokenWhere stories live. Discover now