the soulmate

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Kenma's couldn't think straight. Nothing felt real. His hands were shaking and his head was pounding. 

He grabbed his jacket and without a word to his parents,  headed straight for the door.

As soon as he got outside, he let out a piercing scream, which lead to heavy sobs. He sobbed until he couldn't breathe, until his knees gave out and he feel to the floor. He searched for answers, wondering where he went wrong. He begged the universe to tell him why, when, what happened. He begged the gods he didn't even really believe in. He screamed at them, asking them why they took away the best thing he had. He begged them to bring Kuroo back to him, he begged and pleaded and cried for Kuroo to love him the way he did a few months ago.

The gods didn't hear his plea. 

Kenma wandered around town for hours, reminiscing on every moment Kuroo and Kenma shared. He passed by the cafe where they had their first day, he walked through the park where Kuroo listed off every reason why he loved Kenma. 

He walked by the spot where it all started.

Kenma decided to go to the nearest 24 hour restaurant. He walked in and sat in a corner booth.

He sighed in defeat. Was this all for nothing? The feelings that built up inside of him for years until he couldn't take it anymore. The longing for Kuroo's touch. The electricity he felt through his veins whenever their lips connected. The "I love you's." 

Was it all for nothing? 

Kenma believed Kuroo was his soulmate, even now. Even after all that happened, he still missed Kuroo, still longed for him, still loved him. Kenma could only describe Kuroo as his soulmate. No other word seemed to fit.

But if Kuroo was his soulmate, why didn't he love Kenma? Why did he leave?

He tried to justify it, tried to put a sense of hope into his racing mind that maybe...just maybe, Kuroo would come back. 

But he knew better.

Kenma knew Kuroo better than anyone else. 

He knew that once Kuroo left something, he never went back.

And he knew that this was how it was going to be. 

Kenma sighed, releasing the tension in his shoulder, still trying to think of a reason as to why the person who he loved the most would hurt him like this. They were soulmates. That's what Kuroo said. That's what Kenma believed. 

Then a thought popped into Kenma's head. 

He couldn't remember where he heard it. A movie? A song? No, no that wasn't it.

His grandmother told him about it was younger. 

Something about soulmates who aren't the ones you're supposed to end up with. She had told him that some people have those. Soulmates who are there temporary. 

Maybe that's what Kuroo was. Maybe this is what was supposed to happen all along. And as much as Kenma hated the thought, it was the explanation he could come with. 

Kuroo wasn't a forever.

He was simply a soulmate who wasn't meant to be. 

a soulmate who wasn't meant to be | kurokenWhere stories live. Discover now