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Monday,  December 7th

"tell you what. I'll let you take me there sometime since you're so excited about it." Wilbur grinned.

Wilbur sighed softly, lifting his head to see his alarm clock that read '6:00'. he had his legs crossed, guitar resting on his thighs. 'I haven't slept a bit, have I?' he asked himself.

the brunette peered down to see himself. he was shirtless. he tried to recall when in the hell he took off his shirt, it only struck him when he realised the boiling temperature in the room. he'd gotten all hot, removed his shirt, and failed to put it back on before dawn.

Wilbur climbed down his bed and opened his dresser, looking along the array of tops he had. he'd settled on a yellow jumper, pulling it out of it's neatly folded spot. he repeated the process with jeans, removing the sweatpants he had on now and tossing them in his laundry basket, along with his socks.

he took his fresh outfit and went to the bathroom, studying himself in the mirror. even for December, he had a bit of a tan line, signifying the difference between where his skin didn't see the light of day. his eyes scanned his figure in the mirror, cringing a bit. with a final sigh, he removed his boxers and climbed into the shower.


"good morning, Wilbur," the teen's mother spoke, sitting at the counter. she was drinking a cup of coffee out of a white mug with a rose on it. "did you eat?" she asked. Wilbur had a history of skipping meals, especially breakfast. hopefully, she was asking because she just woke up and was unsure.

"yeah, mum, washed my dish, too," he told her. god, he hated lying to his own mother, but he refused to eat in the morning. the brunette could only hope his mother didn't see the inconsistency in his statement and just believed him.

"good, got your bag packed?" he nodded. "yup, it's by the door,"

"can you be a dear and start the car for me please?" Wil nodded, holding out his hand as she handed him the keys. he walked out of the house, eyeing the icy steps and pathway. luckily, he was able to make his way to the car without falling. 

he sat in the driver's seat, sighing. it made him feel more adult. he started the car and left the keys in the ignition, climbing out of the car. he made his way back to the door, and as he stepped towards the stairs, a huge fucking gust of wind hit him, and his impatient ass continued walking, making him fall backwards and hit the back of his head.

"holy shit," he groaned quietly. the brit sat up and ruffled his hand on the back of his head, feeling it dampen quickly. fuck. he took his hand away and stared at it, a thin layer of blood coating it. oh fuck. he darted inside and grabbed a beanie from the recliner in his living room, putting it over his head and the wound.

hopefully, it wouldn't show up.

he returned to the kitchen and grabbed his big coat, strapping his bag over one of his shoulders. "I'm ready to go now, mum,"


Wil waved goodbye and immediately went inside. his eyes scanned the cafeteria where kids sat eating breakfast. all the way in the corner were his friends. Tommy, Charlie, David, and Rihanna were chatting about something he couldn't tell, because when he got close, Tommy stopped the discussion. "Wilbur! my friend!" he shouted, grinning.

Tommy and Wilbur met each other on a plane flight from England to America when they were six. they spoke the entire time. Rihanna and Charlie seemed to be really close, but wouldn't speak about it. those two became friends with Wilbur in middle school.

Wilbur sat down next to Tommy, who gave a small glance to his discoloured beanie. "is your head alright?" he asked. "yeah, its paint," he lied. "dont worry about it." 

the brunettes head perked up when he heard Schlatts voice. he was talking to one of his friends, unable to hear what he was saying. but the two quickly parted ways and Schlatt was approaching their table. 

the ram gave a small smile, sitting down across from Wil. "hey, man,"

Tommy eyed Schlatt. "whats, uh, whats- whats wrong with this bloke? he looks all weird like a fuckin goat," he spoke truthfully. Tommy usually didn't think about how rude what he was saying was.

"don't ask questions like that, Tommy," Rihanna scolded. "please ignore him," she spoke out in annoyance.

the blonde gave a bit of a scoff, offended. "I see how it is. this is why women are awful." he grumbled.

Charlie gave a small, silent wave. every morning he ate the shitty food the school threw in front of them, just to get something in his stomach.

"are you gonna introduce us, Wilbur? or do I just have to sit here wondering who this ram is?" Rihanna kicked Tommy in the shin to try to get him to shut the fuck up. "stop it!" the blonde yelled.

"right. Schlatt, this is Charlie, David, Tommy, and Rihanna." the ram waved to all of them, receiving waves back. 

Tommy burst out into laughter, wheezing loudly. " 'Schlatt'?! are you from fuckin' Russia?!" he asked in between laughter. he only stopped when Rihanna kicked him again. "shut up, Tommy." she gave him a stern 'I'm not fucking kidding' look.

"I'm not from Russia." he stated plainly.

"so now that I know your name or whatever, tell me about your horns, man." Schlatt hesitated. he doesnt know the full story, only that its a dominant trait from his mother. his father, however, told him some pretty nasty things about her side of the family and how weird she was. "ah, I get it from my mom. some weird beastiality story I assume." 

Tommy tried to keep a straight face, cracking a smile, then bursting out into more laughter. "holy shit,"

"Tommy I'm gonna take away your phone if you dont be nice to Wilburs friend," David threatened. 

"you're not my fuckin' dad, David. what kind of a name is David?" he muttered under his breath. "Wilbur, why, uh, why don't you eat breakfast?  it's rather stupid innit?"

Wil shrugged. "the food sucks here," 

Rihanna turned to Schlatt. "hes a child, ignore him." Schlatt gave a sour look. "I hate children," he stated, staring at Tommy.

Tommy scowled at Schlatt and turned away. "hey, Schlatt, sometime I wanna-" he paused, being interrupted by the breakfast bell. the people with food took their trays and threw away the remains, putting all the trays on a metal cart.

"you were saying," he gestured for the brit to continue. "there's this really cool store a few towns away, called the Dutchmans. they have so much stuff there- I got a pair of rainbow suspenders from there, and when I was little my mum got me a bunch of stuff from there, oh its the coolest," Wilbur could ramble for hours about how much he liked that store.

"tell you what. I'll let you take me there sometime since you're so excited about it." Wilbur grinned.

"can I take you this weekend?" he asked, receiving a nod. "sure, I'm free," the brit pulled out a piece of paper that he had written his phone number on during the ride to school. "here you go, man. text me,"

"yeah, I'll-I'll text you, bye, Wil," the two parted ways to their own classes.

1270 words

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