Chapter 7- The man

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Hey everyone! This chapter features a little bit of Russian. I thought about keeping it English, but I think the Russian adds a certain dramatic element. Translations are at the end of each paragraph in parentheses. They may not be perfect though because I only know English, so I had to use an online translator. Also, this chapter is kind of short, but I wanted it to have a kind of shocking ending, so it just felt right to end it where I did.

Peggy Carter

My heart started pounding quickly against my chest, and anxiety whirled ferociously in my stomach as the man slowly approached the car.

"Dottie," I said, squishing myself against the opposite side of the car that the man was coming towards. "Who is that?" She remained silent; her usual sly smile practically glued to her face. I put my hand to my chest to calm my breathing before asking Dottie again, louder this time.

"Who is it?"

She turned back to me slowly. "From the looks of it, you already know who it is." I gulped quietly and grew nauseous. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, fading the anxiety.

"You know, Peg," Dottie said. "It's not very often I get to see you like this."

"Like what?" I asked.


Dottie Underwood

Leviathan got to the car and opened the backseat door, Peggy sitting anxiously against the other side.

"Not going to sit up here with me?" I asked sarcastically. He replied in Russian as he sat down next to Peggy, who was practically plastered to the door.

"Нет, я хочу поговорить с ней," He said. (No, I want to talk to her.)

"Осторожно, она боец," I replied. (Careful, she's a fighter.)

"Думаю, я справлюсь с ней," He said, gesturing for me to start the car as he closed the door. He looked at Peggy. (I think I can handle her.)

"Hello Margaret," he said in his thick Russian accent. "I am Leviathan." He held out his hand for her to shake, but she refused. Instead, she remained pinned to the car door. I began driving across the desert as the two got to know each other.

"What do you want from me?" Peggy asked, attempting to keep the fear out of her voice. Trying to sound strong.

"I don't want anything from you, I want you." Peggy gave no reply, so he continued. "Let's admit it, the woman you Dottie is just one of many. A small soldier in a huge army. You, Agent Carter, are special."

"I can hear you; you know?" I said to Leviathan who gave a small shrug.

"Я просто смазываю ее маслом," he told me. Part of me wanted to believe him, the other part of me knew he was right. I was nothing to them. No matter how many times they gave me "promotions" I would still be nothing to them. (I was just buttering her up.)

"Это не сработает с Пег," I said. (That won't work on Peg.)

"Ты прав. Let's try something else," he said, turning back to Peg, who now looked more angry than scared. (You're right.)

"Я немного говорю по-русски, каковы ваши планы на меня?" She asked as I looked back at her impressed. (I speak little Russian, what is your plan for me.)

"That was almost fluent, Peg."

She ignored me and looked at Leviathan fiercely.

Peggy Carter

"It's simple, really," Leviathan said, "You will join me. Or, I will have you and everyone you loved killed. Daniel Sousa. Howard Stark and his butler. And well, you know the rest. You have an hour to decide."

The choice was clear, I would join Leviathan. I knew he was capable of killing everyone. I still took the hour to think, however.

I first thought about Daniel, who would hate me forever after this. But I have to. Otherwise, he would be dead.

And Howard, he would be disappointed. Same with Jarvis. But Leviathan- he was evil. What if he has them killed either way? What if he makes me kill them myself? I looked to Dottie; whose smile was surprisingly gone.

Suddenly, Leviathan spoke to Dottie in Russian.

"Если она решит умереть, ты тоже умрешь. Это была твоя идея. Я хотел, чтобы ты ее убил. Кроме того, вы были бы в списке людей, которых она любит. Я знаю, ты ее любишь. Я не забываю." It was too much for me to understand, but Dottie was obviously upset about it. (If she chooses to die, you will die too. This was your idea. I wanted you to kill her. Plus, you would be on the list of people she loves. I know you love her. I am not oblivious.)

She looked back at me, her eyes filled with emotion, before replying. "Ты прав. Я люблю ее. Но она меня не любит." (You're right. I do love her. But she doesn't love me back.)

That I understood. 

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