Chapter 9- Thank You, Dottie

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Dottie Underwood

I watched Peggy as she stood on the dock of the boat, handcuffed to the railing. She was watching the sea crash gently below us as her hair flew wildly behind her. Leviathan, I, and a couple of other crewmates were in the top room of the boat, where we were windowed in. Leviathan noticed me staring and walked towards me.

"She is very pretty, I understand your little crush," he said, startling me. I jumped slightly and looked at him. "After we are done retrieving Howard Stark's weapons, you are to kill her. Understand?"

I remained silent for a minute, staring at the man. "But she can help us."

"She is a good fighter, yes. But she is a distraction. You are letting your emotions get in the way. It's her or both of you." He walked away, and I looked back at Peggy. If only we could run away. But Stark just had to hide his weapons in the middle of the ocean. And here we are, stuck on this boat.

I walked down to Peggy and leaned on the railing next to her. She bit her lips and looked to the sky.

"So..." she started, "should we-"

I stopped her abruptly, "no."

She clicked her tongue and nodded awkwardly. "So, are you going to be all awkward around me now? Because I quite enjoy your remarks."

"I quite enjoy your remarks," I repeated, mocking her accent.

"There's my Dottie," she said. We stayed quiet for a moment. "Do you think he killed them anyway?" She asked suddenly.


"My friends. Do you think Leviathan killed them even though I agreed to help him?"

"Oh..." I said quietly. "No." Peggy raised her eyebrows at me, and I explained. "Honestly I think he would rather see them suffer." Peggy chuckled for a moment, but her face suddenly dropped.

Peggy Carter

"What is it?" Dottie asked me. I questioned whether I should tell her or not. Telling her would result in a successful mission, but not telling her would probably get us both killed.

"Howard has an advanced security system surrounding the vault."

"But... you know the code, right?"

"I do, yes. But..."

"But what, Peggy?" She turned to me expectantly.

"The vault can only be unlocked through Howard's residence in California, where he and Jarvis are currently staying."

"Dammit, Peggy!" Dottie said, groaning with frustration. She suddenly walked away in a huff.

"Where are you going?" I yelled at her.

"To tell Leviathan!" She replied without turning back.

"Wait!" I yelled, trying to walk with her. The cuff on my wrist held me back. Dottie ignored my cries and continued walking. I pulled harshly on the metal cuffs in anger but eventually gave up. I slumped down and sat on the wooden deck as I waited for Dottie to return.

Dottie Underwood

It's safe to say Leviathan was not happy when I told him what Peggy told me. In an angry rush, he grabbed his radio and commanded two workers to go unlock the vault. He then stormed down towards Peggy and I followed him closely.

He walked angrily towards Peggy; she stood up quickly. He walked up so close to her she was practically forced onto the bars that kept her from falling off the ship.

"What is the code to turn off Stark's security measures?" He almost yelled at her.

"I won't let you hurt anyone." She told him firmly, staring into his eyes.

"Tell me the code or you will all be dead!" Peggy showed no reaction but replied.

"469273." Leviathan began walking away but Peggy grabbed his arm quickly. He turned around and looked at Peg angrily.

"Don't hurt Howard or anyone in that house," Peggy said as Leviathan loosened himself from his grip.

"If they are in the house, then they are in the way. If they are in my way, then I kill them," Leviathan said before walking away. Peggy let out a heart-breaking sob and tears began rolling down her face. She slunk down onto the ground and put her head on her knees. She cried silently for a bit before looking up at me. I was watching her and trying to remain emotionless.

"Dottie..." she said hoarsely. "Please don't let him hurt them," I said nothing, but noticed the sun begin to set. As an idea ran through my mind, I began to unlock Peggy's cuffs.

"We're going to bed." I led her to the bottom of the ship and opened a door, where two beds sat. They were made entirely out of metal and had thin mattresses covered with white sheets. I closed the door and cuffed Peggy to the headboard of her bed before handing her my radio. She looked at me confused.

"Contact Howard and tell him to leave." She smiled at me thankfully and began to enter a phone number on the radio.

Peggy Carter

The radio was silent for a minute, but then I heard a familiar voice.

"Edwin Jarvis, Stark residence. How may I help you?"

"Jarvis?" I said through a sob.

"Ms. Carter?" he noticed the pain in my voice. "Ms. Carter are you alright?"

"Get Howard and your wife and leave that residence immediately."

"Peggy, what's going on?"

"Jarvis, just do what I ask, please!"

"Ms. Carter I'm worried where are-"

I cut him off quickly, trying to get him out of the house as soon as possible. "I'm with Leviathan. Now get Howard and your wife and leave!"

"I see..." he said, clearing his throat. "I hope to see you again, Ms. Carter."

"I hope to see you too." I hung up and handed Dottie her radio before collapsing on the bed, a wave of relief washing over me. I looked at Dottie as the tears welled up once again in my eyes.

"Thank you, Dottie."

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